Tuesday, July 9, 2013

More of the Same....

Everyday they say it's going to rain and it seldom happens.  We just have the pleasure of high humidity.  I'm looking forward to a break in the weather.

 Moon and Lorrie had a lesson today with Elizabeth before it really got hot.
 She must have needed a good sponging by the time she finished.
 Class today with Jean and Tina.

 Gary attacked our little orchard and worked there all day.
 Mid afternoon we had a visit from John M.  We bought the farm from his parents almost 32 years ago and this is the first time he has been back.
 He was going through some old papers and brought us the original drawing his mom made for the fireplace in our kitchen....
 and this little book that was mailed here in 1937

 Last night Jenny took Ariana and her friend's daughter to Wing Night at the Stoneyard so they could meet each other...both 15.
 Today they spent the afternoon at the farm helping me by shredding paper, setting the table, making a salad for dinner etc.
 Brooke lives nearby, so we got out the bikes and they rode up to her house.

 I did chores at 5....

 Karen joined us for dinner and spent some time helping Gary weed.

 Spag night at Skoog Farm.

 Look at those happy people.

Night all.


  1. Oh Lori it will not stop raining here still hoping for a break to get some hay started:(
    What an incredible visit for you and John M I can imagine how this visit would be so exciting for hi and you. I wish someone from our farm would come for a visit I would love that. We have been here almost 35 yrs:) B

  2. Everyone looks happy in spite of the heat and humidity! I hope you have a break in the weather soon too. Spag night loojs yummy!

  3. Our ground here in Ohio is squishy and releases water when you walk on it like a sponge. Crazy. How incredible to have him come to your farm after all this time!

  4. What a fun place to hang out for the summer :-D.


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