Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Kind of Weather....

I don't need 90 degrees, or the 80s, or even the 70s.  We reached a high of 67 today and it was perfect for working outside.

My camera was not functioning properly when I tried to grab a few shots of Lorrie and Moon...
 doing a little ground work.

 This message from Gucci and Phoebe is going out to Benny & Lily.  "Why didn't you invite us to the birthday pawty?"

Class at 10.  All had a glass of organic mango lemonade...so good.
 We always have some great discussions.  Today it was Monsanto, Opting Out and Charter Schools.
 This is a very well read, tuned in group.

After lunch I mowed for a couple of hours as all the rain we've been having made the grass grow like crazy.

Chores at 5.  Beautiful light.

 Another very simple dinner.  Meatloaf sandwiches, leftover corn salad and a green salad.
 There are about 50 French Irises on the ground in front of the indoor as the pounding rained flattened them.  I'll have to cut a ginormous bouquet.
 This little birdie was just out at the feeder.  I usually can never get a decent macro shot.
....and that's all she wrote.
Night all.


  1. The photo, green lawn, shadows, hanging branches, lovely. Pity the iris flowers were flattened, they'll make a lovely show inside. Cheers, Jean.

  2. I wish we could have more of this great weather, it sure doesn't come around very often.

    Those classes look like a lot of fun. I used to enjoy drawing, but haven't even thought of it in years. Maybe i need to drag out my old PrismaColors...

  3. The horsies are loving that weather too
    Benny & Lily

  4. I love that golden evening light. Magic.

  5. im sorry - but the only thing I could concentrate on in this post was the fact that I should pull ebonys mane after I saw your guy's... and your pictures, even fuzzy, turn out artistic!!!


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