Monday, June 3, 2013

Sweats and Lots of Sunshine

Pretty cool this morning as it was in the 40s last night.
 Fortunately we ended up with a very bright day.

 Berlin kept standing by the gate to the big pasture with the receding pond in it....
 so I said what the heck and let them go there.
 Moon and Lorrie had a 9 o'clock lesson with Elizabeth.
 Nosie Rosie wondered what was going on in the grooming room.

 I let them come in and did a little brushing and hoof picking.
 Abbe ended up taking a nap and Berlin had ants in her pants.

 After Moon and company went over to the indoor I let my girls back out and shredded some paper.

In the meantime, Moon was going up and down the closest section of the lane.
 (Pretty soon there will be fish in my new pond).

This is only the second time Moon has been driven outside the ring and wouldn't you know it, when they were way out back a truck drove down the lane!!!!  Fortunately he was just crawling and came to a stop so Moon could get by!  She was not rattled at all.  What a pony!

I spent the rest of the day flitting all over the place.  Had to get new cartridges for my printer, went to the bank, took a few things over to the library, went to Agape, bought a ton of groceries at Wegmans...and finally got back home.

Started on dinner, then went out to do chores.

 Abbe and Berlin could not keep their eyes open....
 Moon, on the other hand, was happy to scarf up some hay.

 Tina, does this look familiar?  The first blossoms of the year...kept blooming last fall until we had a couple of heavy frosts.

 Oh yah....dinner.  Meatloaf, baked potatoes and corn salad.
Right now I am highlighting my hair...need a pick me up for summer.
Night all.


  1. Abbe...what a character!
    Moon looks great to cart. What fun.

  2. Moon looks wonderful in her cart! What fun! I am glad she was so good with the truck going by.

  3. What a smart girl that Moon is. A mare of many talents! I can't believe all the water you have.

  4. Are you really having a pond with fish in? Looks huge if you are, that's the pond not the fish! lol.

    So nice to see Moon driving and with driver and groom on board. Clever Moon for not being upset by the truck, now to introduce her to the objects that usually freak them out, like paper in hedges, plastic bags caught on thorns...I'm sure she will take it all in her stride :)

  5. Oh I bet you look pretty with your highlights in the beautiful sun. Is that a weird comment? I did not mean it to be weird oh I have to get outside in the sunshine:) Hug B

  6. Moon looks great on the cart!

    Now that we've caught a few things up I hopefully can get to Niki and Eddie and getting them under saddle.

    What a huge pond you have my dear!

    Yesterday was beautiful, back to gloom and rain today and until Friday.
    Your flowers look wonderful.

  7. now thats!

    love the driving lessons!

    and your flower pictures, i could almost smell them i think!


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