Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Circus Ponies and From Christina's World to Sandy Harbor

A little cool this morning, but not too bad.

 After chores, Lorrie and I got the circus ponies ready and did some line driving.  Will have to get Jenny to do a video so I can show Suebedoo out at Dream Valley Ranch.
 Abbe and Berlin were both great.  They are so quiet, I can have a "1" on the rains....peaceful.

 A nice exercise for Lorrie and Moon.

Got over to Christina's World a little after 11 so I could take some photos of her driving lesson with Elizabeth.

 Is Sandman just gorgeous?????

 Dream watched the whole time and was nice and quiet.
 Elizabeth did a great job, as usual.
 This afternoon I started mowing the big pasture and wrecked the lawn tractor once again.
A bolt or whatever came off the bar that keeps the front wheel where it's supposed to be.
As Gary has said, "I am rough on man and machine."  Hopefully it will be repaired post haste.

Evening chores at 5.

Left at 6 to pick up Bill A. and arrived out at Carol and Topper's by 6:30 for dinner.
 Of course Topper was waiting to take a picture of me taking a picture of him.

This is the view of Lake Ontario from the kitchen.
 They have done a beautiful job with this house.  I would love to sit in their sun room and read.

For starters....
 (There was a sailboat race tonight....yacht club is nearby).

 We had one scrumpshadileoshush dinner!
 Roasted potatoes, asparagus and grilled steak....
 delicious rolls and a salad with pecans and blue cheese.  Ginormous Yum!!!!
And gee...we had to suffer through strawberry shortcake for dessert.  Hungry????
Night all.


  1. Oh that is a beautiful sunroom I could sit there for hours I am sure. That is a beautiful house and beautiful time with friends. The food oh yes I am hungry.
    I am home:) B

  2. That Gary... We won't be sharing that "line" with Saint Tim.

  3. sigh...

    that is truly a lovely day ~ it makes mine seem so barbaric...

  4. Haha "rough on man and machine"! Hilarious. Wow what a stunning home.

  5. Always fun to see the horsies!
    That house is lovely.

  6. It was wonderful to see the horses doing such fun things. Sandman has nabbed a piece of my heart!


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