Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Rest of the Day....

 It was a morning like all mornings of late.
(please turn off my radio so you can here the videos on the two posts from today)

 Then I got going and never stopped.
At 9:30 Lorrie and I went down to a Swap and Shop nearby.  She found a leather surcingle and we each got a couple of other things.

 From there I went straight down to the Welcome Center for the official opening of the canal.
(See post below for more pictures)

Home for a little while...should have taken a nap.

I was still tired from last night, and we had tickets for "A Taste of Brockport" which started around 5.
Back to the Welcome Center to get our bracelets and the menu.  There were 10 stops around the village.

 We started at 58 Main.  Woody's band was playing there.

Served hickory smoked wings.
 Then it was back to Main Street....
 Musicians here and there playing all different kinds of music.

 Next stop....The Lift Bridge Book Shop.
 Catered by our friend Carrie Maziarz.
 fruit...cheeses and crackers...

 more music
 wine, and flavored water (which I loved).
 Then we went to Coleen's.

 Love sitting at a counter.
 Mark Ketchum was playing his sax out in front of Barber's.

(more familiar faces....)

 where we had Balboa sandwiches/chips/dill pickle and....
watched the Kentucky Derby with Barb.

Then we hit the Boardwalk.  They were serving pulled pork.
 Sat outside by the Canal.

 More music.

 Passed this motorcycle when we walked over to a Different Path Gallery.

 There we could have Chicken Oscar and Creme Brulee French Toast (Prepared by Ashley's).
 Both were exceptional.  By then I could hardly look at food.

It's a good thing
 as we all might need him.

Last stop was The Red Bird where we had
 dessert (I had one strawberry) and coffee.

 We all had to be rolled out the door and passed on going to Burrito Fresco, Fountain of Youth Organics, Java Junction and Jimmy Z's.  No way could we eat another bite.

Home to feed the horses.  Grained them and put them out for hay in the front paddock, closing off the pasture and outdoor arena.  Let's see how they do their first night out.
 They have the indoor, 2 run-ins and the 60 foot shed roof for shelter.

 They kept following me around and did not understand why they weren't in their stalls.
 I'm a wreck!  My feet are swollen and I need to get them up and iced.  Too much everything.
Night all.


  1. Wow, I would be so full after maybe 3 stops, wonderful food, music and more.It must be a lot warmer at night now,I'm sure the girls will be savvy enough to sleep under the front shelter. Greetings from Jean

  2. My feet wouldn't have been happy either. That was a lot of walking (and eating).

  3. Sounds like an amazing day, even if it was Too Much. I love the shot of the guitarist with the word "Life" on his left - very apt!
    You really have a lovely community in Brockport. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I could almost smell the leather in the Swap and Shop. Wow, that's a lot of food (in sections thank goodness, I'm sure) at the Taste of Brockport. I loved the beautiful fruit, cheese and crackers displays. What a day. you deserved your night's rest, Lori. Have a great weekend. Jo

  5. Wow! What a fabulous day! And what a wonderful community you live in.

  6. Love your horses Lori and it is so nice to be able to enlarge with the galery..
    A great post with fun and food and friends!

  7. That looks like a blast.
    Lori, did Lorrie buy that driving bridle? It looks like a good one.


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