Sunday, May 5, 2013

Put Your Feet Up....Maybe the Swelling Will Go Down....

 They all survived "girls night out."
 Although I think Abbe and Berlin looked tired.

 Absolutely gorgeous.  Too bad my fat ankles look like crapola.

 At 10am Paula (lives across the street) brought her horse, Finnegan, over for the first time.

 Once again we were in line driving mode.  Neither the horse or owner had ever done it.
 Finn caught on quickly, and so did Paula.  At no point did we have over a 2 on his face and once he understood what was being asked it was smooth sailin'.

 We had a great time and they will be back.

Abbe, Berlin and Moon had no idea he was here as they were very busy chowing.
 I spent some time on the couch with my feet above my heart...hopefully things will get back to normal shortly.  Guess I need to cool it.

Gary had his first duty at the Welcome Center.

Around 4:30 I started mowing the lawn again.  It has been growing like crazy.

 Chores at 6.  2nd night out for the trio.

Dinner was leftovers from the First Friday picnic.  Fine with me.
Night all.


  1. Your property has absolutely come to life in vivid color! I love seeing it!! And WOW Finn is a gorgeous, stunning horse.

  2. You had a long day! So glad to see a neighbor with a horse!

    I am trying to convince my 32 yr old neighbor lady to come and ride with me on our elderly babysittin' mules.

    Much better to share isn't it?

    Feel well, stay healthy.

  3. what a delightful visit!

    Friendly ALOHA
    from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3
    > < } } ( ° >

  4. You do so much in and for your community, Lori. How you manage to fit all into a day beats me. I love the color in your garden. I revel in the Northern Hemisphere spring while we ease into autumn here in EA (not much change in anything yet, though) Finne is a beautiful horse and quick too. Great post to lighten up my Monday. Have a lovely week. Greetings, Jo

  5. Oh Lori take care of those ankles. Oh how my cows would love to be on your lawn:) Hug B

  6. Wow! What a crazy few days for you Lori-you are a powerhouse! I'm exhausted and my feet hurt just reading about your days! I hope your ankles feel better soon. Finnegan is gorgeous-what a fun adventure! And the herd looks beautiful as ever. Glad to see flowers and grass and no more snow over your way! Xoxo Sue

  7. There is nothing nicer looking than a farm yard with freshly mown grass and flower beds for added color. It looks gorgeous!
    Take it easy!!
    Is Abbe's foot bothering her? I notice she has her weight off of it in almost every picture... or was that just coincidental?

  8. What a good-looking 'oss that Finnegan is!!!!!

  9. Oh no! So sorry you have swelling.
    The farm looks so beautiful.


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