Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Little Village That Could.... the 189th opening of the Erie Canal.

I arrived at the Welcome Center a little before 11:30 and a crowd was already gathering to listen to Bill Hullfish and the Golden Eagle String Band.  These guys have been around for a long time and are very supportive of community events.

They played until noon, when the Canal Opening ceremony began.  Many months ago, Margay Blackman (one of the Village Board members) came up with an idea that would celebrate the opening of the Canal and draw some attention to Brockport.
 Events have been taking place for the past 4 days and will conclude tomorrow with a concert by the Brockport Symphony and the Golden Eagle String Band.

Last November there was a Village to Village challenge that started in Brockport and ended in Spencerport, which is 7.5 miles East of us.  Today it was just the opposite.

Absolutely perfect weather for some serious "crusin."

 Lots of friends and visitors everywhere....many faces you have seen before (like last night at the Stone Soup Auction).
 As the last participants arrived from the regatta, they were followed by the tug boat Dewitt Clinton.

 Several politicos, the head of the Canal Corporation and friends were on board.
 The gentleman waving his hand below (Tom Grasso) did the kick off presentation this past Wednesday.

 Remember the conference bike I showed you yesterday?  7 people rode it to Spencerport and back.
What a great team!  Someone asked how you steer it.  One spot (where the person with a lot of experience should sit) has a regular steering wheel and access to the brakes.  The rest of the people pedal as you would normally.  What a crazy invention.  Going down a hill is quite exciting!!!
 Lauren L., on the left, teaches at the college and has developed "Camp Abilities" where she uses the conference bike in her program, working with children who have disabilities.  She is very highly regarded all over the country and is very active in our community.  We are lucky to have her.
 Another activity taking place today is the 5K "Barge Charge."  Kristen and her daughter were signing up to run.

 I think Brian Stratton, the head of the Canal Corporation, was quite impressed with our village and the turnout.

There's my Art Walks on Water banner.
 This is Phebe, our mule, that represents all those who worked so hard on the Canal.
 There was a poster contest for Low Bridge High Water.
It was won by Morgan M. (4th grader) and will be used to help advertise next years event.

You just had to be there.


  1. What a wonderful way to encourage community. It sounds like great fun and the weather looked perfect!


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