Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Very Long Day...

Love that morning light.

 Chores...the pony diet started.
 Moon had an in hand lesson ...what a quick study.

Tina came to watch.
 Abbe tried to create a distraction.

 Gary brought home two incredible flower arrangements from Sara's (where he works).
They were for First Friday....the last of the season.

While he went to the Alumni House to get set up, I went to the bank, Wegmans and the High School to prepare for tonight's Stone Soup Auction.

I was totally shocked when some bought my book of photographs for $100!!!!

We auction off a dinner for 8 and prepare and serve it ourselves.  This is what's on the menu this time.
 As soon as we got set up we ventured over to First Friday for a picnic supper.  Tasted great.

 The place was jumpin'.

 Pete, Carrie and Jenny were there.

 I think I showed you a picture of this "conference bike" once before.  Tonight I got to ride on it.
 Absolutely wild.
 Meanwhile, we still had an auction to pull off.  Back to the school by 6:15.
 Stacy Kirby, the artist who will be painting our mural, was there with quite a display.
 Many excellent volunteers.
 We sold a ton of tickets for this necklace that was raffled off.

We had a short skit from "Casablanca" before the dinner was auctioned off (the Art Department at the college had the highest bid), then it was time to clean up. Home after 10:30....what a L  O  N  G day.
Night all.  I need some serious rest.


  1. You are one busy lady! I hope you have a nice quiet weekend planned after all that!
    That conference bike looks pretty amazing, I must google it.
    What's the origin of "Stone Soup?" I ask because my kids had an English reader that was called "Stone Soup"

  2. Oh Lori your book of photographs bid does not surprise me at all.:) Hug B

  3. That looks like a wonderfully fun day. How awesome that your book went for so much! Hopefully tomorrow is a rest day.

  4. I love the morning sun light too, everything looks so fresh and clean.
    Those flowers are gorgeous, what a lovely display to have in your home.
    As for the conference bike, I remember this before, and still wonder who steers it, is anyone looking where they are going or does it go round in circles! lol.

  5. What a fun, fun day!!! But I have to admit I'd be a little nervous on the 'conference bike!' But then, I can hardly drive our tractor! :-)

  6. Your life is rich beyond imagination; a canvas of color made up of family, friends, four-legged companions, and the beauty of nature.

    Give and ye shall receive. I think that is an fitting explanation for what you have.

    Gorgeous flowers!!

  7. Your life is rich beyond imagination; a colorful canvas made up of family, friends, four-legged companions, and the beauty of nature.

    Give and ye shall receive. I think that is a fitting explanation for what you have.

    Gorgeous flowers!!

  8. Wow you have been busy and it looks like spring has come finally to your place.

    We had an ice storm yesterday. Yuck.

    Today I have the laundry out on the line and the windows open. It is 63, 30 degrees warmer than yesterday!

  9. Congratulations on the book of photos! Looks like the auction was a huge success!


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