Thursday, May 2, 2013

Perfectly Gorgeous...

Same old same old...I finished my book and it was very late.  Then, I woke up with the sun.
 The vet came after chores to do spring shots.
 All went well except for the fact that Abbe has to go on a diet.

 Finished mowing the lawn when they left.
The pups watched from the back yard.

 We had to be in Rochester by 1pm to perform with the chorus at St. Anne's...
and sounded pretty darn good.
 When we got home I worked on last minute details for the Stone Soup Auction (tomorrow night) and then did evening chores.

 It was close to 80 degrees today.

Picked up Jenny at 7 and went over to the college for the Sankofa performance, where we hooked up with many friends.

What more can I say?  Do I love drumming....
Night all.


  1. 90 degrees all week here in Sacramento. Ugh. Flying home tonight (late flight) and looking forward to being in the mountains where it is cooler -- oh, and seeing Brett and the animals of course. :)

  2. From first to last, including stunning twirling skirts and drums drumming, a lovely day, it brightens my heart. Cheers from Jean

  3. Oh your Sankofa photos are just amazing! And thanks for sharing the video, too.
    Seeing your fly masks is making me wonder should I take that step with Aero too, he is really being Bugged at the moment.

  4. That looks like a beautiful performance. Lovely shots of your day.

  5. Poor Abe:( :)
    That is a performance I would have loved too. It is starting to look and feel like spring here too. Poor Nancy n Nebraska had snow you would think she lived in Canada or something:)
    Have a nice weekend Lori it is going to be beautiful HUGS B

  6. I know just how Abbe feels :(
    Love the festive photos!
    Do you have Annette's email? I can't leave comments on her blog for some reason, and I want to wish her well on her property search.

  7. Close to 80*? How absolutely beautiful!! Spring is not coming here. Could get up to 7 inches of new snow in the hills. Ug!


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