Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Sleeping Beauty....

 Before I went out to the barn, I caught the girls snoozing in the outdoor arena.
 Such a beautiful morning.

 I've been a mowing maniac lately.  Today I finished all the pastures.

 I guess Abbe did not get enough sleep last night.

At 11:15 Gary remembered that Finn had a ball game this morning, so we stopped what we were doing and went "as we were" to the town park.  I had on sweats and was covered with horse hair...but I brought my camera and caught a few shots.  Coop was practicing his pitching while Finn was playing.

 Finn will be 10 in August....I see such a difference in his playing this year.  He gets it!

This is the second time he has pitched and he was fabulous!!!!

 He grabbed a couple of infield hits and threw them out at first.  Later when he was playing right field he grabbed a long ball and threw another kid out.  I was very impressed.  What a natural.

Home around 1:30.  I needed a big glass of lemonade with a shot of oj.
 Did the final mowing and dragged both rings.  Gary planted hundreds of onions.

Around 5 I went down to the Morgan Manning House to pick up a couple chicken cooking tonight.

 Got them to go as we were both too filthy to eat there, and we still had more work to do.  Of course I was seen in that condition by tons of friends.  Gary thinks I am very eccentric, being comfortable going there without getting cleaned up first.  Oh well.  I do plan to take a shower now that the horses are set for the night and this post is almost finished.

Night all.



  1. Abby looks like Flash when he takes his naps. He won't even move for the tractor.

  2. Oh Abbe, what a hoot!
    The place is looking fabulous.
    That's what I'll tell David - I'm eccentric.

  3. I am "eccentric" all the time -- running errands in my work clothes. Looks like a beautiful day -- Abbe had the right idea.


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