Friday, May 17, 2013

We're Taking Wednesdays Off Until September....

Got a very late start on this post as we had our chorus concert tonight.  All done.
 It looked like this at I'm really tired!
 After chores I mowed the two small pastures and later on started the lawn.
 Just like a golf course.

 Even mulched the front paddock.....smoooooth.

Had a 10am physical with my Doctor.  Since January I have had a mammogram, a body check at the dermatologists, got my teeth cleaned and checked, had a one year check on my knee replacement, blood work... and now this.  Let's hope I can go without appointments for awhile.

Got home shortly after Lorrie started her lesson with Moon.
 Today they used the outdoor much more space.
 Abbe and Berlin watched from the pasture.

 Elizabeth set up all kinds of cones and  Moon was a very good girl.  She is so steady.

 The pups stayed in the yard while I finished mowing the rest of the lawn.

Had to take flowers for our director and two pianists tonight.  Picked lots from our garden and turned them into nice bouquets.
 Our call was for 5pm and the concert started at 7.
 We sang to a packed house.
 The Hochstein Youth Choir really energized our chorus and they did a great did we.
 After the concert there was a reception loaded with goodies and punch.

 The usual suspects were there to support us.
Now I need a good long break.
Night all.


  1. cool

    ALOHA from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3
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  2. Sure looks like a wonderful community
    Benny & Lily

  3. You are taking Wednesdays off? From blogging?

  4. Good for you for taking a blog break! You deserve it.

  5. Hey, I wasn't done commenting!

    Moon looks great to cart.
    I can't believe it's been a year on the knee. You never really said how after compares to before. I hope you had a great result, and are totally pain-free now.


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