Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday Stills Challenge - the Letter "W"

My husband (Mr. Organic Garlic grower) and I have been retired for many years...
He got a little bored and wrote a letter to "Sara's Garden and Nursery" to see if they needed some help.  He wanted to WORK and got a part time job.
A perfect fit.  WHO WOULDN'T WANT to be surrounded by all this beauty?

Today he is planting strawberries at Skoog Farm.

To see what other "W" things people have come up with, click on Sunday Stills in my sidebar.


  1. What an incredible assortment of beauty. I'm really impresses with that stone arch though, someone sure put a lot of work into that.

  2. An interesting take on this week's chalenge. That is a lovely nursery. :)

  3. One super place to work, each day would be a delight.The bearded iris, beautiful, what is the pink ruffled flower in the following photo?Lori, Retired, no such word these days, we all do more now, at an older age, than maybe years earlier.Different work, for sure, but busy means being happy.Lovely new header photo. Greetings to the workers!! from Jean.

  4. What a gorgeous garden center! Sounds like a great job to me! Better busy than bored!

  5. What a lovely place! It must be a pleasure to work there.
    Good take on the challenge, too

  6. Beautiful!
    I worked in a nursery straight out of college. It was a good job, and we landscaped our first home from the trash pile.

  7. No wonder he fancied this place ~~ stunning! It makes you want to go to work!!



  8. Wow! What a beautiful place to work!

  9. A beautiful place to work at a beautiful time of place, wow


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