Tuesday, November 20, 2012


 Every morning my routine is the same.  I let the dogs out...feed them and the cats...grab a big fat carrot from the fridge...put on my boots, hat and gloves...stuff my camera in a pocket and head out to the barn by 7:30.  Then, the beet pulp gets added to the horses grain along with their supplements, half a carrot and half of an apple.  While they are eating I set up their grain for the evening feed, clean out the beet pulp container and start soaking a new batch for "supper."  Next, the hay is put out...in the sun if it's cold/under the shed roof if it's grey or raining.  As soon as Berlin is finished I open both of their gates....they are off to the races and I clean their stalls.  When I'm done, set up their hay and water for the night.

You already know that two of our barns are over a hundred years old...pretty primitive.  The beams are trees that still have the bark on them and they were whitewashed many years ago.  Above is Berlin's stall.   Lots of thick rubber mats and a section with shavings/pellets.  It used to be more than one stall, but I knocked down the wall.  Now it's about 30 feet long.
Below is Abbe's suite.  Same size as Berlins.  They are both spoiled.
 No frost, but very chilly.

 Another small class today.  Busy working and lots of chatter.

 Ran a few errands after lunch and then had a surprise visit from a friend (Missouri) who is in town to spend Thanksgiving with her family.  Boy, did we catch up.

Chores a little after 5.

 Almost completely dark....
 Decided to take some pictures without the flash.
 Even tho it does not have a green tint...the barn light makes everything else that color.

Night all.


  1. Enjoy hearing the details - routine to you, but new to me. Your dedication to the animals is beautiful. xx

  2. Our routines are so similar! Another long day at work for me. Sheesh.

  3. I love old barns and houses. I can almost feel them trying to tell me stories of what went on in the past.
    Yes.. the green glow is eerie!

  4. 30' stalls. My boys will be right over.

  5. old houses and barns are interesting places for photography at any time, good stuff

  6. Fun night shots, seems these days we up north do everything in the dark doesn't it?! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I DO SO LOVE THOSE BARNS! Now I am off to find out about soaking beet pulp...

  8. You keep such an immaculate barn!


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