Wednesday, November 21, 2012


 Another frosty morning.
 Around 11 the Scanlon Family stopped by the farm for a visit.  Lara and Jenny were college roommates and have been friends ever since.  They drove up from Virginia last night and spent some time together before going to Buffalo for Thanksgiving.  Jenny had to go to work this morning, and I must say that it's pretty neat that her friends wanted to stop and see us.  It was good to get the low down on what we have been missing.
 The girls loved the dogs and couldn't wait to meet the horses.
 Not fifteen minutes before they arrived I had taken their blankets off.  Just enough time for Abbe to roll and grind in as much dirt as possible.

I could not ask for more from our animals.  They are all so loving and gentle.
Who would guess that Sami and Sabrina had never been around horses.

 She required a great deal of brushing and was most cooperative.
 Of course Berlin was still pretty clean.

 They were off to Orchard Park around 1.

After lunch it was warm enough for me to really finish dragging the outdoor arena.  It was pretty lumpy.
 I'd say we were in the low 50s and the sun was bright all day.
 Never made it to Agape.  (Lazy)

Tucked the girls in a little after 5.
 Blankets back on.

 When I use my little SONY camera with no flash (in the dark), the pictures turn out grainy.
 Had to dream up a dinner at the last minute.  Picked some sage from the garden and created a brown butter and sage sauce....
 Tossed it with some fetuccine and topped it with some Romano cheese.
 Made a simple salad and we were good to go.  A 15 minute meal.

 The kitties had dinner too.

Set the table for tomorrow and now I am ready for a very hot shower.
Night all.
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.  We sure have a lot to be thankful for.


  1. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. That beautiful little girl will show those photos to her grandchildren. . . .

    Warm Aloha to YOU
    from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

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  3. Such sweet pictures of the girls with the horses! Good ponies.

  4. Your table setting is lovely, so are the visitors and their photos. Have a great Thanksgiving, we have so much to be thankful for down here too. Greetings to you and your family for tomorrow, from Jean.

  5. Another beautiful and full day from start to finish!

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

  6. Looks like a wonderful day on the Skoog Farm. Abbe's inclination to stay dirty makes me giggle. (Maybe if she were a warm medium gray the mud wouldn't be as much an issue.)

    I'm not sure which of the girls are called Sami but the one in the purple coat reminds me of my 7 year old horse-obsessed granddaughter. Her name happens to be Sami (Samantha).

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  7. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. Hug B

  8. I know you'll have a great Thanksgiving. Because you are thankful every day :-).

  9. The girls looked like they had grown up with horses! You have such gentle beautiful animals because you are an amazing pet owner.

  10. The girls looked like they had grown up with horses! You have such gentle beautiful animals because you are an amazing pet owner.


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