Monday, November 19, 2012


 Before I went out to do chores the sun was shining through the window like a laser beam.
 It was strong enough to burn off the frost.

 Did some picking in the pastures.  It's hard to believe that we are approaching December and it looks like this.
 By mid morning it was time to take off the blankets.

 Had to do some busy work, so I didn't go to Agape until 2.  Gary went with me.
 A good workout, then stopped at Wegmans on the way home.
 When I went out to do chores it took me awhile to clean up Abbe.  She was covered with mud from her ears to her belly.  I worked on her in the run-in outside the stalls while Berlin watched.  Fortunately she was shiny and clean.

 Tucked them in, put on the blankets and went back to the house.

 Leftover soup tonight, with some BLTs.

 Sidney spent all day in the house.
 Sophie and Seymour came in tonight.
They are making me tired.
Night all.


  1. sweet post.

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

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  2. Dinner looks delichous! BLT has to be my all time favorite sandwich; right up there with a good Reuben. I was going to go to the gym tonight but its 6:00, I'm still at work, and its an hour and a half drive home so I think not.

  3. Another good day for us too--We're loving the sunshine and hope it stays! I also went to Wegmans this evening...Note to self, don't go on an evening before a holiday! :-)

    I hope you enjoy your night!! Take care!!

  4. That Abbe! I think she gets dirty just so she can get a good message while you groom her.

  5. Ahhh, a perfect day, it sounds like - with perfect weather. Unbelievable for that part of the country! I hope you enjoy plenty more sunny and unseasonably warm days!


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