Sunday, October 14, 2012

From a Hard Frost to Near 80 Degrees....

 The girls were ready for breakfast when I got out to the barn.
 It was almost 40 degrees warmer than it was yesterday morning.
 Gary went down to Java and I passed.
Picked some apples for the horses and finished listening to a book on tape.

 These blossoms, that looked so droopy and frozen yesterday....made a comeback.

 The wind brought down more and more leaves.

 Jen and the boys stopped up to get a piece of pecan pie.  They were full of beans.

 Phoebe and Gucci were napping in the afternoon sun.

 Warm enough for the Berlin and Abbe to stay out tonight.
 At long last, we were finally getting together with Sally and Judy for a pasta dinner.
Tonight I used a tomato/basil/organic fettucine.  It is made near here.
 I sauteed a couple of minced onions and then made an alfredo sauce.

 The flavored pasta worked perfectly with the sauce.
 Judy brought a splendiferous salad...
 and warm bread....
 I put out some roasted red peppers in case anyone wanted them on their pasta.

 What a great meal!

Sally made a lemon pudding cake with raspberries for dessert.
Oooooo la la.
Night all.
And now, for "The Good Wife."


  1. Be very careful...someday each and every one of us is showing up at your house for FOOD! Yummy pictures and your dinner looks divine. I hadn't thought how a boring alfredo sauce might be improved with flavored pasta. YUM

  2. I have to agree with MTWaggin, I look at those photos and decide that I must come for Sunday Supper!

    Of course you present everything so wonderfully.

    Our warm weather lasted a day then hard rains. This morning it is in the 30's. Tough for the animals.

  3. Oh you really have the most magnificent days.
    I love the painting sitting in the room with the big window.
    I also get very hungry every time I leave here with those beautiful food shots:0 B

  4. Some great photos today! Loved the leaves and Gary and the pups and the one with the chair and the painting. Oh, and the food of course : )

  5. As always the weather is crazy. We were freezing one day and warm the next too. Love the pictures and your food looks so good.

  6. Glad to see those boys are voting the right way, lol!

    I love these warm days, but those big temperature swings make me worry about the ponies.


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