Monday, September 24, 2012



 Put some time in at Agape.
 After lunch, our friend Gordy came up to roto till the rings and gardens.
 That's it!  Now I need to get on my horse....knee or no knee, it has been way too long.

 When I went out to do evening chores Berlin came right over to me and started to roll.  She was only about 4 feet away.

 It was so chilly and windy I started out with the hay in the run-in.
Ended up under the shed roof.
 Gary had a dinner meeting at the college and I went down to Barber's with Sally.
 Balboas were on the menu.
Home by 8 and watching some tv.
Night all.


  1. Lori, that is cool!! We had about 34F ,2.4 Celsius early this a.m. now 69F inside, and Hugh has lit the fire. But today it reached almost 70F outside, we were digging compost into the vege beds, hot work.Your colder days and nights come very suddenly. Greetings from Jean

  2. Hi Lori, Guess summer is over! Love your photos!

    Was reading through old posts on my site from 4 years ago.

    We had just discovered a starving horse and you gave us some wonderful advice on a complicated situation, which was a great help. I want to thank you, again. It had a happy ending. After weeks of drama/trauma we took the horse for $1.00. He lived with us and became healthy and happy.

    Now, that I'm back in cyberspace after being gone for several years, I'll bring everybody up to date on little Joey. So many wonderful people came to care for that little horse and sent encouraging comments.

    Best of luck with your knee!

  3. Oh that darn knee. Take care. I love the video and photos of Berlin. Horses are funny too. I do not have any but love to watch them. B

  4. Wow, the arenas look great! Enjoy some riding :-). It's cool here too - yay :-D.

  5. That beautiful arena is calling your name.

  6. You are tougher than me. I'd never settle for 59* in the house. I run my boiler a lot... I like to be warm and I don't want to have to put on a sweater. Our wood stove is just for comfort not for heating.


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