Tuesday, September 25, 2012


 OOOOOOooooooo la laaaaaaaa....what a gorgeous sky.

 When it's chilly, I like to feed the hay in a sunny spot.

 It was so cool I turned the heater on in the studio and it did the trick.
Lily decided to check it out.
 Donna brought some of her yummy cookies.

 After class all headed for the garden to grab some veggies before we have a frost.
 My pals....Judy and Sally.
 We ended up in the low 70s and Gary hung his clothes out on the line.
 This afternoon he had an appointment with the message therapist and I went for a 
walk out back with the dogs.

 It looked like a scene from "Out of Africa."
 Before too long before Gary will start planting garlic in these spots.
 Had to run several errands late afternoon.  Wegmans is sporting lots of pumpkins.
 A little late for evening chores.

 Very simple supper.  Turkey burgers and a mango/banana salad.  Tasted great.
I sure hope Gary has a fire going in the kitchen.
Night all.


  1. Oh I absolutely love those top shots, the angle the light. Awesome. B

  2. We are having the same crisp weather with bright skies. I am loving it! Glad you are too!

  3. look at that golden light

    Aloha from Honolulu,

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  4. I keep forgetting to order garlic. I wanted to see if it would survive the winter. Can't buy it locally... they only sell it in the Spring because it "won't survive", but I think it will. Let's see if I can remember to do it tomorrow. Would love to see some photos of Gary's planting process. He gets quite a crop.

  5. It's been great here too. Raining today though. Your property is beautiful and loved the dogs romping in the grass. So much fun.

  6. Looks like a wonderful fall day, and such perfect weather!! Your farm is just beautiful...you are blessed. That salad looks amazing!!! Would you be willing to share your recipe? I'd love to try it out. :)

  7. Delightful!
    Save some of that weather for me!

  8. Love the videos of the pups. They are so sweet.

  9. I wish I could join your art class in your cozy studio. We're having the same great fall weather- sunny and 70's by day and a little chilly at night. It's the getting up at 5 am in the dark to make sure that my daughter makes it on the bus to school that's not so fun. Your salad looks delicious- what's the dressing on it?


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