Sunday, September 23, 2012


 6:25 - sunrise.


 9:15 - pancakes at Java.
 Dropped some donuts off at Jennys, then went back to the farm and started mowing the lawn.
Gary raked up thousands of black walnuts in the front yard while I mowed in other sections.
The tree is ginormous and there are still many nuts waiting to fall.

 Crispy and gorgeous.

 Gary had his last duty at the Welcome Center and I started a fire in the kitchen and watched
cooking shows.
Evening chores at 6....

Night all.


  1. Wow, you're putting your fire on already. I don't think we're cold enough for that yet.

    Beautiful pictures of a crisp day. You can just tell by the skies how good it feels.

    I wonder if it would work if you spread some sort of net under the tree to catch the nuts and make clean up easier. That looks like a lot of work.

  2. Such beautiful light, Lori, and you capture it so well. We had a similar day here - but it gets dark here on the east coast earlier. xx

  3. LOVE the porch pictures with the golden light, fern, and the kitty having breakfast.

  4. Beautiful photos! Everything looks so wonderful, the trees, the green, the horses ... what a treat!

  5. It's been hot and humid here in Nova Scotia - too hot for a fire. Also very wet, while on the weather topic.
    A kitchen fire and cooking shows - what could be better. Enjoy!

  6. Beautiful light, beautiful day, beautiful animals and beaurtiful trees.


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