Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I must have misplaced my camera...not a lot of pictures ha ha ha.
 I started chores while Gary went to Java...then he came back and helped me finish up.
 I'm still in veggie mode but managed to go out and buy a new pair of muck boots.

Home for lunch and my class...Today it was Judy and her grandson Ben!
 He brought along his new Kindle, art supplies and a few toys.
 He and his Gram are two peas in a pod...they get to spend a lot of time together.
 Phoebe and Gucci loved him.
 He informed me that I could put his drawings on my blog tonight.
 and Lily.....
 Judy is still working on her rams...starting to add more darks.
 It started raining this afternoon...may have snow by tomorrow morning.
 We all looked like this.
 Jill must miss doing chores, as she volunteered to put in some extra duty tonight.  She joined us for dinner....cabbage soup.  Surprise!

Do you ever watch free movies on HULU?  I watched one this afternoon on Gary's tiny laptop.  Have turned into a bum....
Time for a hot shower and more doing nothing.
Night all.

PS - the man who I got my first djembe from has more drums for sale.  If you are looking, this is what is available.  Let me know if you want to pursue it.


  1. So much heart

    & soul

    @ SkoogFarm!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  2. Oh my goodness what cute pictures!! I especially like the ones of the cats and dogs!

  3. It's about time you got snow! Hope you get some of the white stuff.

  4. Romeo is certainly a beautiful mover. I love watching horses spring around like that. ( in Video from previous post). Here I am catching up AGAIN!!! I have been sick (a wonderful cold) and have missed a lot of posts. Looks like you are still without snow too. We had a tiny 2" last night. Love Judy's ram drawing and Ben's drawings are adorable. The one of Gucci is my favorite.

  5. i'm all in favor of the post-holiday vegging. . . glad you are enjoying some. xx

  6. I agree.... it's time to sit a spell and take it easy! Well, as easy as you can when you have animals to feed and clean up after and food to prepare and life to live!


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