Wednesday, December 28, 2011


 No more green grass at Skoog Farm.  Boy were we ever spared about 6 weeks of winter weather.
I guess it's about time.
 Gary had yoga this morning and I was on my own.
 Belle needs a serious cleaning.  She's not happy unless there is a coat of mud on her neck and head.

 We had very high winds today and by the time we watched the evening news the windchill for Brockport was 6 degrees.

 It looked like this at 9am.

 I'm pretty sure Romeo was happy to have his breakfast in a snuggy run-in.

 I let Phoebe and Gucci out for a few minutes before going out to the barn.  Too cold for them to hang out with me.

 They seemed to like running around in the cold, white stuff.

 Took a quick trip out to by more long underwear, then built a fire and continued to veg.
 Watched a Russell Crow movie.

Was not too excited to go outside....but of course I had to take care of my sweet ponies.

 They were ready to go in....freezin'!!!!!
Sidney was looking up at Seymour, who climbed up on the roof.
No biggie for dinner.
Night all.


  1. That little video clip looks COLD! We have had unseasonably warm weather here. ...sorry... Thanks for your comments on my post. The support from you and my blogging friends and followers makes all the difference.

  2. I also say, Brrrrr... those winds are terrible!

  3. You almost made it to 2012. Doesn't look like it's too bad. We've gotten quite a bit of snow lately and need to shovel/plow, but it's been -20 for a few days and supposed to stay that way for awhile. I like to stay in when it's cold!

  4. There are days when it's so nice to be able to stay in and stay warm--That looks like one of those days. We had a day like that today, but still no snow here...rats...I hope you're doing well and had a good evening!!

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ HAPPY NEW YEAR LORI!!*´¨)

  5. Nice to see some snow. At least it helps keep some of that mud off of the horses. Looks like Belle still found a way though..Brrrr on that wind chill.


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