Monday, December 26, 2011


Once again, Gary helped me with chores.  It was pretty grey out there but above freezing.
Fine with me.

 Romeo saw a huge flock, hundreds, of sea gulls across the hedgerow and started to run around when they would all take off.
 Pretty soon the girls were watching him watch them....

 The grass is still as green as can be....  On the news tonight they said the last time we did not have a white Christmas was in 2006.
 Gary gave me a gift certificate that I used today to get more beads for the beautiful leather bracelet Sally gave me.  We ran into her while we were in Country Treasures.
 Mary Pat was there too.
 This afternoon we went to a Boxing Day party.  Jenny's neighbors are from Canada so they invited a lot of us over to celebrate.
 This is Cooper.  He was visiting for the holidays.  A very beautiful and kind boy....
 By 2 o'clock some blue sky appeared....
 on our way home it was getting dramatic.

 Went out to feed the ponies while it was still light and picked pastures until dark.
 Can you see the moon?
 Had to throw some pasta in the cabbage soup as I had no potatoes and no small noodles.  Finally, a half normal meal.
Night all.


  1. Cooper is wonderful! And so is Nora Jones! made my night - thanks

  2. Your day looks very full. Nice that you had a get together for Boxing Day.

  3. Cooper!

    And what spankingly wonderful sky shots you got

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  4. Beautiful skies, beautiful dog, beautiful bracelet -- beautiful day.

  5. I wonder if you'll get snow in January?

  6. I love your bracelet!

    And the weather is just downright strange for this time of year. We're expecting the mid-50s this week.

  7. Sounds like a nice day. Love your bracelet and those skies are dramatic. I hope we never get snow, we still have some green grass too.


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