Wednesday, September 14, 2011


A big shout goes out to Jim from "Ocean Breezes."  I finally discovered his site when he left me a comment about Masterpiece.  He is some photographer, a retired teacher, and lives in Nova Scotia.
  You may have already met him on "Sophie's View."  
Find him at:

Jim, we do not live near the ocean, but Lake Ontario offers us some magic moments.  Thanks for following my Journal.


  1. And I thought Jim knew about your world because I talk about it all the time...Now he can catch up on all those previous posts!

  2. Lori, the pleasure is all mine! And thanks for the 'exposure'! No pun intended!

  3. Dearest Lori, as you know we have been without the internet since late last week and I haven't been able to read your blog. I am catching up this evening and wish that I had the words to tell you how very sorry I am to come back and read about the loss of your precious boy Masterpiece. While I know that I can't ease the pain of his loss, as you well know, that even though he's gone, he is really not that far because he lives on in your heart. I know you'll never entirely get over losing Masterpiece, but I hope you find comfort in all your memories of him that can never be taken away...

  4. Incredible photo. Yes I know Jim he does have a nice view. Lake Ontario is the water I see the most also. B

  5. Lori - maybe one day you will do a post on hay and let us know what makes 'good' hay. And maybe another day you will let us know more about the horse's hoods (I'd not seen them before) and the bugs . . . ? And another day (ho! I'm giving you assignments!!) maybe you'll let us in on how all the animals react when one leaves - esp. one like Masterpiece who has been such a part of their lives.


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