Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I can't believe all the comments, emails and cards I have received regarding the recent loss of Masterpiece.  No wonder I love all my blogging friends so much.  To hear from people all around the world is a very humbling experience.  I have passed all your positive thoughts and understanding on to my sweet boy.  What a support system..... And I love the poems that have been written and sent.
Today felt different, but we did our best to move on.  So here goes....
 The morning was brilliant.
 It lit up the onions hanging on the back porch.

Fed the dogs and cats and headed out to do chores.  It seems that whenever we lose a horse I go nuts in the barn.  Today was no exception.  I decided to knock down the wall between Belle's stall and what used to be Pony's.  Why not?  I dragged the boards upstairs in case they are ever needed again.  Could not think of a reason not to open it up.  Now Belle's stall is about 11 x 30.  The gate is open between Berlin and PC's old stall so she has a suite.  Abbe has her usual 16 x 16.  Three spoiled girls.

 Sophie appeared from upstairs.  Jill, she is around all the time now.
 Went down to the hospital for my semi-annual blood work and then stopped at Deb and Tom's to check out all of the changes they have made in their home.  Sat out on their deck....so peaceful.

Then it was time to hit Weggies.
 How many grocery stores have you seen that are so into beautiful landscaping?

 Home in time for lunch. 
Judy showed up early for class with a blueberry/peach crisp and a card/note that would bring tears to your eyes.  Of course it was about PC.

 Sandy stopped in for a short visit.  So great to see her.  We all indulged in dessert (as did Gary and Woody).
 Look at what's blooming....same thing happened last year.
 Out to do chores at 5.  Belle was quite impressed with her new and improved space.

 A couple of days ago I discovered cantalope growing next to the barn where Gary harvested a lot of his garlic.  Apparently it started on it's own from the compost that was dumped there with the horse manure.   Also picked all (4) the peaches from our little tree.  They looked pretty good.
 We had another unusual dinner...today I won a free sub at Subway so I didn't make prepare anything worth mentioning again.  Even picked up a couple of dollar fries at Wendy's.  Bad, bad, bad.  And it tasted great.

The sky was changing quickly and pretty soon we had a major downpour.  Thought about putting the horses in, but they were already in the indoor.  Smart.

 Obviously Berlin had been rolling in the footing.
 Took off their masks...and the sun came out.
Tucked them in at 8:30 and am hitting the couch.
Night all.

And thanks again...to everyone of you!


  1. Glad your orchard is producing, Sophie has settled in, and your girls are checking out their new digs...outstanding!

    Beautiful day to sit and enjoy for a few minutes.

  2. I'm thinking of you, Lori.

    Those are some huge stalls - don't tell my horses - they'd be jealous.

  3. So sorry to read about your loss Lori. & I want to say I am sure Masterpiece loved you as much as you loved him.
    how sweet and true the three odes to PC are as well as all the thoughtful comments from your readers. I couldn't stop reading them. You are right, it is an incredible testament to the blogging community.

  4. Your girls' stalls are bigger than my bedroom..heck, I'll move in the barn!

    Sometimes, bad food is good food for the soul.
    Thinking about you all.

  5. So sorry to read about your loss, Lori. I can't imagine, after 30 years. I hope Masterpiece has found peace now -- blessings to you.

  6. Another full day for you - I'm glad it was a good one.

  7. Life goes on. I think that's amazing that the cantaloupes started from the compost. Great pictures of a peaceful looking day. Love food that's not so good for you but sometimes...what the heck.

  8. I am so sorry to hear about Masterpiece. I just found out after reading Jill's blog.

    My heart goes out to you.

  9. I love that picture of the girls grazing in a line wearing their fly masks. :D


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