Wednesday, September 14, 2011


 Another beautiful morning.  Had to wear a sweatshirt when I went out to the barn.  Felt good.
 The girls are doing well.  Interesting, they really stick together now.

 Cut down a few weeds, and then went in to get ready for our first chorus meeting of the new "year."

Quite a variety of selections.  Should be pretty interesting.

This afternoon Sally stopped up with some of her special almond cookies.  I kidnapped her as I needed to go out and look at some hay.  Just when we were ready to leave, Judy stopped in to pick some tomatoes.  So, we got out of the car and all went to the garden.  Gary and I are so fortunate to have great friends.  They have really been there and are so supportive...not just because we lost Masterpiece, but in so many ways.  Many read my Journal and are really tuned in to what goes on at Skoog Farm.
On top of that, I have heard from over 50 people from my blog world.  Amazing.  Sweet.

Eventually Sally and I got out to look at the hay and it was OUTSTANDING.  Will get it delivered tomorrow if it doesn't rain.  Checked out King Mustafa and Grace on the way home.
 Barb has done a great job with them...both look terrific.
 Before Sally left, she had a conversation with the girls.

I cooled it for awhile, then went out to do chores.
 A definite change in the weather....dropping temperatures.  Today was perfect.  Bright, breezy and not too hot.  Tomorrow....55.  Maybe some rain in the morning.

 Checked on the food situation for Jill's cats (in the grooming/tack room).  Abbe wanted to join me...or maybe she wanted to get groomed.
 Gucci and Phoebe remained relatively clean for a change.

 Gary met Finn and Coop when they got off the bus today.
 He made them dinner and I went down after chores.
They went over to their friend's house for a little activity while they waited for Jen to come home.
Back to the farm by 7:30...tucked the ponies in when it got dark.  Off duty.
Night all.

PS - More thanks to all of you who have continued to leave comments, emails and cards.
Masterpiece has been honored in style.


  1. Lovely poetic tributes to your equine friend. Made me tear up and hold tight to what is important in life.

    THAT'S great blogging - great friendship: to share, to touch,
    to give
    of yourself.

    And you do.

    My life is richer
    because I can visit
    Skoog Farm.

    Mahalo & Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  2. It must be very sad to lose a horse that you have cared for especially as they are all family to you. You have my sympathy.

  3. 37 degrees and pouring rain tonight. Brrr.

  4. That Abbe is a looker even in a fly mask! Today on my way to yoga I saw a dog poking it's head out of a car window in front of me -- looked just like Phoebe. I swear. I did a double take. I thought you were in California for a minute.
    Thanks for posting my poem on your blog - and I'm glad you feel I captured a bit of him.

  5. Incredible photos you have a very good eye. It is always fun to share your life with the ones you love. B


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