Tuesday, July 12, 2011


 Daniela and Ariana were right out in the trenches with me this morning.
 They groomed my 32 year old Masterpiece on his way out.

 We were so hot Ariana took a quick fan break.
 The horses had access to all the pastures.  Belle has been able to get a little closer to the other three each day.  She is also starting to fill out a little more.

 The clouds were gorgeous.

 We have lilies and then there are lilies.....

 The hostas have started to bloom too.

 The girls picked some spinach for me so we could take it out to the Bott's this afternoon.

 At 10:30 my students arrived for class.
 Did you ever read the book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards.  I can think of no better way to start students...whether they are 15 or 65...the system works.  Judy is a classic example.  Three weeks ago she was struggling to do an ear.  Look at her today.  In a short period of time she has grown like crazy!  The key is being able to see.
 It was good to have Deb back.
She was working on a turtle....
 Tina continued with her drawing of DJ in front of the blue hydrangeas and Judy started on some penguins.
 Donna completed a mixed media piece.
The center is folded paper and the outside was done in ink.  The middle was finished in white (after I took the photo).
 Below is Tomas (from Spain), who is currently visiting his grandparents.  He participated in class today and started his version of a turtle.

His style is very bold....different from his grandmother's.
 We had a surprise visit from Mel.  He'll be in the neighborhood for a couple of weeks and came to pick up his paintings and drawings that were in the art show.

 Time for lunch...Daniela wanted a smoothie (yogurt, milk, ice, blueberries and raspberries).
 At 1:30 the girls and I headed out for the beach.  We picked up Tomas on the way.
 They presented Topper with this!
 A little something they found in Las Vegas.
 Carol (who broke her leg and has been grounded) was resting upstairs so we went to see her first.  What a trooper.
 This is the view from her bedroom window....pretty sad isn't it?
 The water was calling us, so we went down to the lake.

 Carol said she would watch us from the window.
 We took out two kayaks.  The water was very rough! 
 It took Daniela a little while to get the knack of it, but they held their own.
 Tomas was a pro.

 For your viewing pleasure........

 There was time for sun bathing and lots of swimming.  The water was warm.

 Had to leave by 4...

 Took a quick drive by the Yacht Club so they could see the boats.

 There's nothing like being near water.

Back home....still gorgeous but very hot.  A good thing there was a breeze.

 Daniela was in a pancake kind of mood, so Ariana made them along with scrambled eggs (thank you Jill) and we ate before I went out to do chores.
The ponies were happy.  Tucked them back in at 9.
Night all.


  1. What a beautiful day. Hey lady could we sign your cast? Those students sure are good draw-ers
    Benny & Lily

  2. What a sweet time!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    My new blog posts are still not updating in blogger/reader OR links on others' blogs
    So I ESPECIALLY appreciate YOUR visits! Thank YOU

    Comfort Spiral


    > < } } ( ° >

  3. You are the queen of cramming a lot into one day. The girls sure are going to go home with a lot of good memories.

  4. "There's nothing like being near water." You couldn't say anything more true. And, you certainly had a lovely place to enjoy that lovely lake water.

  5. It's so nice to have children around and especially nice when they like to help. Looks like a great day was had by all, I've always loved the water too.

  6. I'm intrigued that horses need time to get used to each other before putting them together - makes sense, but it had never occurred to me before. Love that clip of the water on shore/rocks! Where is this beach? Looks delish.

  7. Oh...that beach looks glorious! I love that Carol is wearing a life is good t-shirt and has a big smile on her face despite the broken leg. Beautiful art as always.

  8. Beautiful pictures!! What a wonderfully fun-filled day...thank you for sharing. Don't you just love summertime?? :)

  9. Beautiful day ! The girls have wonderful holidays :
    See you soon


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