Monday, July 4, 2011


For as long as I can remember, the 4th of July has been celebrated at the Morgan Manning House on Main Street in Brockport.  Today, the conditions were perfect in every way.  Sunny, breezy, low humidity and lots of people!

When I got there, the Community Big Band was playing.

 I'd say there were 2 or 300 people listening.

The grill was going and you could buy hots, hamburgers and veggie burgers that you could top with homemade hot sauce or peppers and onions (along with all the regular condiments).

Chris and Mary Pat (my most photogenic friend) were selling tickets for the food.

 Tina and Roger were there with all remember them!
 Judy and Randy were enjoying the breeze and good conversation.
 Doesn't this big old tree look full of stories?

At noon, the Gettysburg Address was read by my old high principal.  Appropriate.
Then a second jazz band performed.

Next on the line up was a children's parade of bicycles decorated for the 4th.

 40-50 participated.  Sweet.

The last event of the day was a "Cake Walk."  Do you know what that is?

Dozens of cakes were made by people who support this "gig" year after year.
About 25 numbers (painted on wooden tiles) were placed in a big circle.  A drummer sat in the middle.

The participants had to stand on these numbers until the drummer started playing...they kept going until he stopped.  Then a number was drawn out of a bucket and the person on that number won a cake.  Everyone had to put 25 cents in a hat in order to participate and as soon as a number was available someone ran in to stand on it.

 Between the four grandkids and ourselves we put in enough quarters to buy a gigantic cake from the best bakery in the area.  But!  It was a lot of fun.

 Above is Mary Pat again.  At the end of the day they were passing out all the leftover cookies and cupcakes.
 When Jenny was in the first grade, Mary Pat was her teacher.

The Mom and two kids on the left (below) are the best neighbors Jenny could ask for.  They won a cake right off the bat.  Later on I won a plate of cupcakes.
 Sandy Frankel, candidate for County Executive, attended the event and even participated in the Cake Walk.  Gary, Jenny and I were very happy to see her.

 Cooper was the first of our crew to participate.

We left at 3:15, ready for a nap or going in a pool.

Hope you all had a happy 4th of July.


  1. Looks like a fun day! Wow, that tree is amazing.

  2. Happy 4th of July!
    enjoyed watching your pics and my gosh that is a big three and those are a LOT of wieners!


  3. Around here cake walks are $1. for 25 cents I could entertain my kids for a long time!

    Looks like a really fun gathering...I love the age spread in the people attending. Looks like a lot of fun.

  4. Congratulations to you all.

    Here in Jemtland we haven't been independent since 1645 and before that taxes were paid to Norway for several hundred years so even that doesn't really count.

    Leva Republiken Jemtland!

  5. Perfect day! Greg was the drummer.

    So glad to enjoy the festivities through your cat Alley decided to go on an outing... so I stayed home to open the gate for him...when he decided to return. Oh well!

    Glad you came home with some cupcakes.

  6. A real old-fashioned 4th of July celebration. How wonderful. I'm glad you had such a great time.


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