Sunday, July 17, 2011


 My assistants were still down at Jenny's when I went out to do chores.
 Was done a little after 8:30.
 Today Belle ate under the shed roof...closer and closer.

At 10am the crew arrived to give all four horses the spa treatment.

 Our four grandchildren were joined by Jen, her neighbor Jennifer, and her two children.

 The fan was on and it kept the ponies and kids cool.

 Belle was a little frantic when all the other horses were inside, so we brought her in and gave her a good grooming too.  She was a very good girl and got the same treatment as the others.

 She loved the attention...had a big chunk out of her mane, so I evened it out...hope it's ok with Jill.
 Our chorus director stopped by to pick up more Duck Derby tickets.  Gary brought her out to the grooming room to say hello.
 She left with onions and garlic as well.
 Here's where we went out to the beach (see post below).

Home by 5:30 and fed the ponies.

 Judy and Randy stopped up to get a bike they loaned Daniela....they had their dog with them.  Jessie.
 Seymour, Phoebe and Gucci played it safe.
 Sidney too.
 Night all.  (don't forget to check out Sandy Harbor).


  1. Your horses have it made! The picture of Seymour, Phoebe and Gucci is fantastic!

  2. Sandy Harbor looks like the perfect place to spend a hot day and have some fun.

    Bet the horses enjoyed all the attention of spa day.

  3. Belle looks like a real sweetheart.

  4. I agree! The picture of Seymour, Phoebe and Gucci is stunning!!

  5. Holy cow, that's a lot of garlic.
    Nice to have a lot of helpers on spa day.

  6. love the picture of the 3 furry kids
    Benny & Lily


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