Monday, June 13, 2011


 Good Morning World!
 Beautiful.  Perfect.  Cool and sunny.
 Barb's on vacation for a couple of weeks making preparations for her new barn.  Didn't she show up this morning?  I'm spoiled, spoiled, spoiled.  Yes Sarah and Gayle, she is going to be a hard act to follow.  It looks like a quarter horse mare will be moving in next month and her owner (exactly Barb's age) knows that I have had a lot of great help and intends to do the same.

After chores I started cutting down weeds and buttercups along the fence line.  Our neighbor came out to visit Phoebe and Gucci and I took pictures of her flower garden.

 Sidney followed me over, and climbed up a trellis, ending up on the roof of a pergola covered with trumpet vine.

It took him quite awhile to figure out how to get back down.

 Gar has the vegetable gardens in good shape, but boy do we have a lot of work to do in the flower beds.
 Made a quick trip to Wegmans and stopped at Country Max on the way home to buy an apple tree to replace a peach tree that bit the dust.
 It was on sale and looked pretty strong (Honey Crisp).

Seeing that it was not too hot, I went for an afternoon bike ride.

 Didn't take very many pictures....
 Rode for just under an hour.
 Ready for a nap, but watched a movie instead..."Fair Game" with Sean Penn.  Pretty good.

Out to do evening chores a little before 5 as we were invited to a dinner tonight and I needed time to get ready.

 Gary volunteers to unload foodlink trucks for the local food shelf.  The dinner was for all the people that help the organization.
 It was held at St. Lukes.
 A nice buffet, and we did not have to bring a thing.  Yum.

 The light in the church was just right for showing off the stained glass windows 
(some of them are Tiffanys).  I snuck away for a few minutes to take some shots.

 The back of the church is made of stone.
 As we were driving home, we went past the community garden on Park Ave.
 There was Pam K. with piles and piles of bags full of mulch...we stopped to give her a hand.
 A few years ago I was on an Art & Aesthetics Committee that raised funds to have public art installed around the village.  Once the sculpture (by Jennifer Hecker) was in place at this little park, we established a garden area and outlined it with daffodils and hostas (that we split up from several of our gardens).  Then Pam (a master gardener) filled in the entire area with plants from her own gardens (across the street from the park).  It is incredible!  Today, she must have purchased 35 bags of mulch to get just the outside areas covered...her own donation to the community.
 Her Mom is our friend Sally.  What a great family.

 Home by 8:30...looked like rain might be in the forecast.
 Our kitty friends were happy to come in the house.
Over and out!
Night all.


  1. Amazing weather here today too! The flowers in your post are just stunning and inspire me to want to plant more flowers of my own to enjoy! Enjoy your evening!!

  2. Ditto! My kinda of weather too! Splendid series of interesting shots! Thx for sharing so much of natural beauty with us :)

  3. I'm so glad you had sunshine today. It seems my weather gets your weather a couple days later and after two days of ran I'm already whining. Can't wait to see the sun again!

  4. Love your world! All that sunshine, all those critters and all the lovely details... Big hug from Africa!

  5. Lovely stained glass, Lori. But both the angels playing trumpets look as if they are taking aim with a blunderbuss!!!

  6. Honeycrisp happens to be my new favourite apple. In the Annapolis Valley where I grew up the farmers in the passed 15 years have been growing honeycrisps and they are a major hit. Enjoy your crop!
    The stained glass is just could just sit and look a the detail for hours.
    Love the picture of the Campanula shaped blue flowers...I have them in my garden and they make a wonderful ground cover.
    Snuggles kitties!

  7. Very pretty weather here, too!

    Love those peonies and the stained glass..gorgeous.

  8. Beautiful flowers and what pretty gardens! I adore peonies!! Enjoyed all the photos in your post. Your weather looks exactly like what we've been experiencing (for the most part) the past few weeks. I think we're about a month behind in our growing season, but I enjoy the cooler, sunshiney days. Perfect for doing most anything! Loved the cat climbing up the ladder pic!! Enjoy your lovely weather...greetings from NW Oregon!

  9. The stained glass windows are just gorgeous! Also what a beautiful community garden that is. You live in such a wonderful and beautiful place. I am glad that Sidney made it back down the trellis.

  10. Beautiful weather, gorgeous pictures. And, seriously, you bought a Honey Crisp apple tree?? I just planted one in January (bare root). We have to stop doing this!!


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