Tuesday, June 14, 2011


 A little rainy this morning...
 Yep...Barb was here again.  Finished chores early and got ready for class, which started at 10:30.
 Very happy to have Deb back today.  She is working on illustrations for her second book which is about the Mohawk.

 Jean was working on a pen and ink drawing of a fountain.
 Tina finished her beautiful pastel drawing of the Highland cow and calf.
 Phoebe and Gucci waited patiently for their treats.
 Jean was able to have many of her drawings and photographs made into cards.
 Gar and I drove down to the village to run several errands.
 One of the stops was the post office.  I finally mailed the Daisy cards to Gayle up in Alaska.
 Main Street is a disaster area...
 Construction equipment all over the place.
Home in time to do a little work in the gardens.
 Today the lilies made their first appearance.

 Gary bought a dozen geraniums...planted a couple in pots for the deck in front of his shed...
 and the rest went in front of the indoor.

Our rainy morning turned into a beautiful afternoon, Barb had evening chore duty and we decided to go into Rochester for dinner and to catch a little of the International Jazz Festival being held there.
Gave a last minute call to our friend Judy to see if they were game for going in with us.  The answer was yes.  We had an earlyish dinner at Edibles on University Ave..

I had never been there before and was very impressed.
 We did not go too crazy with our selections.
 Randy and I had beet salads...
 Gary had spinach...all were outstanding.

He ordered a sensational burger...
 I had a pork chop on braised chard with apricot chutney.  One of my all time favorite meals.
 Randy had perogies with carmalized onions and sour cream.
 Judy had a chicken dish (can't remember the name) with roasted tomatoes and mixed greens.
 We were all very happy and I would give this restaurant a 5 star rating.

Then we went over to Gibbs street to hear Jon Seiger & the All Stars.
 This was a free concert and the venue was packed.
 Cool jazz....big band style.

 Our last stop was the Fusion Stage where we only heard one number.
 There were also 7 other sites for concerts where you had to have a club pass or stand in line and pay 20 or 25 dollars.  The price at places like the Eastman Theater ranged from 50-90 dollars.  This year,
Natalie Cole, KD Lang, Chris Botti, Elvis Costello and many more...
 As we were leaving town, the sun started to go down.

 When we got back to the farm, the moon was in one direction....

and the sun was hitting the horizon in the west.
Another day in paradise.
Night all.


  1. Heavenly!

    Aloha from Waikiki :)

    Comfort Spiral




  2. Tina's picture turned out beautiful!
    If Robin and Yorick only knew...they would be so proud!

    Pork with apricot is my all time favorite combination's isn't wonderful?!

  3. Great shots of the jazz festival---We're going tonight to hear Grace Kelly at Kilbourn---Edibles is a favorite of mine---Adding an apple to the rhubarb pie was ok but nothing special----beautiful day coming up---enjoy----Sara

  4. Jazz festival...

    Conjures up some sweet memories of Newport.



  5. Another amazing day!
    Your dinners looks so good!

  6. It was a beautiful day to do what ever strikes your fancy...and it seems like you did!

    The food looked delish and thejazz sounded great...

    ps...did you decide how many new ponies will join your group?

  7. Thank you so much for sending cards. Very thoughtful of you.

    The jazz festival looks like a lot of fun, but there sure were a lot of people.

    You go out for some fantastic meals. Looks like fun.

  8. Sounds like a great day--and another double-full one!

  9. I love your life....paradise indeed and it's good to see how very much you enjoy it. That Highland cow drawing was wonderful. It's such fun to read a post about a whole day, including what you ate. And ending with the moon. Just great!

  10. Quite an eventful last few days!! Edibles is maybe 5 min from us -- if we make the lights-- your food shots are all sooo yummy! Belated happy B-day Jennifer.


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