Sunday, June 12, 2011


 Good morning...why aren't you feeding us yet?

 Why do you need to check your computer every morning?  OK OK.
 Fed the dogs and cats ... went out to the barn.  Of course Barb was there in full gear.
 It was not that hot or muggy, and the ponies still wanted to hang out in the run-in.
 Seeing that it was cool(ish) and not raining, I decided to go for a bike ride.
 Had great intentions for taking shots of flowers....
 But it didn't happen.
 Approached the house from a different direction.

 Everything is still very green.
 L'orange spent much of the day in the house...
 he even stuck it out when we were drumming.
 There were just 4 of us and we were able to make great progress in an hour and a half.  Our goal is to really learn what we have already been taught so that by the time Khalid comes back at the end of the summer we can participate with confidence.  Also, hope to drum at Strides Against Breast Cancer in October.
 We sounded pretty darn good today!

Gary had duty at the Welcome Center.
I got dinner together (Barb did chores for the third night in a row).

 In the mood for sloppy good.
 Jen and the boys stopped by (on their way home from a picnic) to pick up a big bag of spinach.

 Such enthusiasm....

It's not even 7pm and I'm so done.
Night all.


  1. Your bike basket looks a lot like mine only mine goes on the back end. I like your new header!

  2. Such a beautiful green world you live in... love the photos. mmm... sloppy joes. Get a good rest!

  3. That is such good spinach...a real treat!

    Cats and dogs look so relaxed, especially L'orange.

  4. Your clematis' are stunning..I have a particular fondness for them.I have a few alpina varieties in bloom now. Is that a white peony? Stunning! Many of mine have a blight this year because of the rain. A couple survived so I'm waiting for them. Green is still with you...very lush!

  5. I loved the big three in your yard!

    And yes thanks my dad did get better. Ultrasounds and Cat scans both were negative.... soo good day after all!



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