Sunday, May 1, 2011


Boy, am  I going to need a nap!  Woke up at 5:30am to this.

 Fed the dogs and cats...took a quick shower and was ready to leave the house by 6:45.  Gary and Barb had chore duty this morning.

  Picked up Jackie in Brockport and we were off to Highland Park in Rochester.  9 drummers from the Saturday drumming group were going to play during a half marathon event.
 We were placed near the top of the longest hill, just before they hit 7 miles.  The park was beautiful.
 We had to be there before 8, and surrounded by tall pines, it was still very cold.  It's a good thing Stan had a blanket in his car.
 Jackie had on many layers....
 David and Lee were smart to wear hats.
 Lucky for us, Khalid was able to participate.  Fred (on the right) made all the arrangements.
 Zach showed up with his two girls and a couple of drums.

 It looked like the first runners were approaching, so we got started.

We drummed for all 2000 runners.  What a great time.  Half of them gave us thumbs up and thank yous and at least a dozen stopped to dance in front of us.  They were so appreciative that we were there to motivate them.  Whoever thought of was a great idea.

When we were almost finished, Dave really got into it.

 By 9:30 it was over.  My first outing with the drummers.

Home before noon (Jackie and I stopped for lunch) and felt cold and sleepy. Grey again...rain in the forecast....
 The tulips have come on strong in spite of the weather.

 This part of the Canal opened to day.  Gary had his first duty at the Welcome Center.
 It looked like the ponies survived without me this morning.
 Time for a nap.
That didn't work.  Took the ham bone out of the freezer and started creating some soup with onions, carrots, cabbage and potatoes.  While that was going on I hit the couch and watched the movie I never caught a couple of days ago.

Went out to do evening chores...sweet Barb gave me a head start by having the grain all set up in the buckets.  I just had to add the beet pulp etc.
 In by 7 and the kitties were ready for dinner.  They stayed outside the entire day.

 There are leftover hydrangeas near the door to the kitchen.  How in the heck did they survive the crazy weather we have had?

As for dinner, it was delicious.  Love that broth (had vinegar and a couple spoons of brown sugar in it).
 Now, it's time for pjs.
My spoiled dog is saying "night all."


  1. As a sort-of runner, I can imagine that your drumming would be motivating.
    Your tulips are lovely.

  2. Very cool, drumming for the runners. The flowers are beautiful.

    I used the Skoog horse-in-profile notecard today for friend Bob to welcome the new horse. It was a big hit.

  3. I love the idea of using the drum for the runners!! I'm glad your day was a good one, despite it not being the warmest--Cold here again today too!!

    I hope you're having a good evening!!

  4. What a great way to motivate those runners. Excellent!

  5. Drumming for the runners--great idea! And your trees and flowers are just ahead of ours here at the lake. Love that soup, too.

  6. The tulips are gorgeous! and the soup looks great. I have my Easter ham bone in the freezer waiting to be made into soup. I like yours - love cabbage in soup.

  7. What a joyful sound for the runners! How could they not help but dance? Good for you all. What kind of tree is the white tree? Beautiful! Like a cloud. And your tulips are gorgeous!

  8. Beautiful tulips! Great idea to drum for the runners. Your soup looks fabulous.

  9. Thanks for the early morning pictures. How beautiful!
    I love the idea of drumming for the runners. I bet they did like that. I've only been to one marathon and the runners loved having folks on the sidelines recognize the effort they were making. The drumming would have been a huge incentive... giving them a beat to carry in their heads to help them move their legs.

  10. Getting up "bright" (well maybe not so alert) and early and scooting off to drum on all those runners is the best story. I'm sure they really appreciate your dedication. You deserve a high 5 for sure. The flowers are doing so well in your part of the world. Now get a good night's sleep!

  11. The drumming looked and sounded fun. I bet it helped energize the runners. Your sky photos are beautiful!

  12. I think my son would love for the drummers to show up at the 'Canadian Death Race'....78 miles in 24 hrs...they could use it!



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