Monday, May 2, 2011


 We lost power last night and this morning.  Fortunately it came back on so we could have water!
 It was overcast with a little rain off and on...for the most part, just damp.

 The horses went in the back pasture so I could preserve the other two.
 Now, I will start opening the back door of the barn so the horse can pass through.  It is especially effective when the temperatures are high and a breeze rolls in.

 All this rain has made the plants shoot up.
Went to Brockport 3 times today.  First Wegmans, then out hunting for picture frames at Good Will (want to show some of my photographs in the 10th annual Skoog Farm Workshop Exhibition in June), and finally, Gary and I had a meeting about the Duck Derby.  Between that and his Alumni Board meeting, we went to the Stoneyard for a quick bite.
 Home a little before 7, changed my clothes and went back out to the barn for evening chores.

 As soon as the ponies saw me, they ran in from the pasture.

I couldn't get a good picture no matter what.
 Their eyes were closed....
 Nothing too exciting....

 Look at that 33 year old Masterpiece.  He's almost shed out.  Can you see his front right knee and how blown up it is?  Today he cantered into the paddock.

 The moisture was just clinging to the leaves of the daylillies
 Over the weekend Gary finished the little deck in front of his (what should we call it) potting shed.
Next, window boxes?
 Of course my pups kept me company...

Night all.


  1. Loved the action shot of the ponies running in to see you.

    Potting shed looks great. Window boxes... perfect!

  2. Lovely, though grey ~
    Those cats..
    were they listening to the thundering hooves? Loved the clinging dew drops...yea, we too are going in and out of nicer to not-weather. Soggy!

  3. Yes, I loved the clip too. The King looks quite fiesty! It's wonderful to see Masterpiece enjoying life at 33. That's my only horsey goal - to have my horses live long and prosper. You're a hero to me.

  4. Gloomy here too. Love your flowers, ours aren't quite so mature yet. I can't believe how wonderful Masterpiece looks for his age, even with his bad knee. Phoebe and Gucci are lovable as always.

  5. I'm thinking Brett and Gary would get along famously -

  6. It's cold and rainy here, too, and I can't say I live it very much. After a long, cold winter I am ready to thaw out!

    What a fun activity....drumming for runners. Too bad it was so early!!

    Love Gary's shed. Very nice looking.

  7. Me, too, I love the action shots . . .and don't those ponies look fine, fine, fine?!

  8. Power outages are not fun when you have animals to water. Glad yours came back on quickly. The video of the horses is great. Masterpieces knee reminds me of my feet. He gets around quite well despite the knee!

  9. I'm really tired of grey dripping that's for sure. Seems everyone has had a wet and soggy spring time.

    Love all the happy horsey pictures and your pups make me smile.

    Have a wonderful day!


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