Saturday, April 30, 2011


 This was not the hottest day we've had so far...but it was one of the most beautiful.
 When I went to the barn it was cool but very promising.
 I figured "what the heck" and let the horses out on the big pasture today.  Much of the water had gone down and they were very happy to be out there.
 Barb helped with chores.  It felt so good to have the sun out and no wind.
 Bermuda even came out to enjoy it.

Moved a little more brush out to the road for the pick up later this coming week and then got ready for drumming.
 This is Hartwell Hall.
Drumming takes place in one of the dance studios.
 It was the first building constructed on the SUNY campus 175 years ago...
and is by far, my favorite.

When I got home, the weather conditions were perfect.

 Gary was out back planting onions.  He must have at least 500 in the ground by now.
Spoke to my friend Judy on the phone.  She was going to bring up a pizza for a late dinner.  Fine with me!  Around 6:30 I went out to pick the pastures.  Sidney joined me.
 The ponies were hanging around the front paddock.  They knew it was time to go in.

Miss Piggy had to get in her last roll of the day.

 The sun was shining into the barn.
 Before too long, the ponies will have their evening grain and go back outside.
 Back in the house around 7:40.
 Made a nice bigga salad (again).

 Judy got here around 8 and we had a yummy dinner.  Just right.
Lots of chatter and many laughs.
 Needed some new posies for the kitchen table.

 It's late.  I need to get up early in order to be in Rochester by 7:45 am.  A group of drummers will be urging (drumming) the 2000 participants to keep running in a half marathon.  Should be kind of fun!
Night all.


  1. Lots of beautiful pictures to share. I love your new header picture--very lovely. Mickie

  2. Funny, we had pizza and salad for dinner too.

  3. Oh Lori,I am so glad the weather is looking up! Your garden looks lovely and makes me want to get up from the computer and go digging outside...we had MORE rain last night and coldish today...

  4. Wasn't it a beautiful day yesterday! (I'm back at the lake.) Thank you for showing me a horse-roll!!

  5. Will you be drumming like crazy to encourage the runners or yell like crazy? Either way...sounds like a great idea. Your weather is akin to ours yesterday...perfecto!


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