Friday, April 29, 2011


 Around the world, people woke up to this.
 I did not tune in until 6:30 when I let the dogs out.
 It was a stunning event alright, and I'm amazed how many hundreds of hours of attention it received.
 Regal, over the top, an upper, fantasy world, proud subjects....and beautiful horses.

Back here at Skoog Farm it was the same old same old.
 Fed the ponies, cleaned the stalls....
 and waited to see what the weather was going to do.
 It did nothing that I was looking for.
 Grey, a little rain....cold.
 It didn't stop the garlic from growing...
 ...the kitties don't hardly come in the house anymore.
 I think I'd better get some new Crocs....these were waiting for me on the porch when I got back to the house.

At 11 I remembered that Gary was in Brockport helping to plant trees, so I went down for a quick photo shoot (see post below on Arbor Day).
Margay and her crew were busy!
 Then it was time for another trip to Wegmans.  I love these trees when they are in bloom.  The parking lot is extremely well landscaped.
 Home.  Lunch.  Then back down to Brockport for another visit to the Massage Therapist.
 My body is still a wreck from two weeks ago when I moved an extremely heavy ladder trying to get Seymour down from the top beam in Gary's barn.  Won't do that again.

Of course I can't go there without taking a picture of the fish.

Gary met Finn and Coop at the bus this afternoon and Jen was getting home late so I invited them to dinner.
 The adults had bigga (Sharon) salads.  Leaf lettuce, red romaine, onions (regular and carmelized), chicken, pears, apples, craisins and crumbly blue.  Ummmmmmmmmmm!
 The boys had mac and cheese with toasted bread, apples and more.

 After dinner, Coop and Finn went outside to find the cats.  Barb showed up and started chores....we were supposed to switch next Friday not tonight.  Oh well.  It worked out fine.
 Anyway, when the boys got in they had dessert.  Grampa picked up some Neopolitan Ice Cream.
 Do you think someone was tired?

They left before 7.  I'll bet Coop was asleep as soon as he got in the car.
That's it.  Going to watch a movie tonight.
Night all.


  1. Both of the boys look tired. A long day for them no doubt.

  2. I am amazed at your garlic patch (and your beautiful salad lunch). I envy both!

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Amazing event, Lori. Glad you also viewed it on the other side of the world from me here in Africa. I also love your little boys too. Have a great weekend. Jo

  4. The garlic is looking good. Dinner too as always. We watched the wedding too but it was 4:00 pm here so we didn't have to get up early.

  5. That really does look healthy food, Lori. And your grandsons are growing up nicely. It always amazes me how quickly they do grow. Ruth's eldest, Tuva, is now taller than I am.
    Warm regards, Mike.

  6. These last few shots of the boys are priceless... that sense of wonder in their expressions.

  7. That tree in front of Weghman's is WOW...and isn't it always the way this time of year when something happens to the ol' body..I'm creeping around again with a lowback ouchie! Cheers and Best wishes!

  8. True, the royal wedding was magic. But life for us goes on as ever. Your salad looks delicious. The kids look completely worn out.

  9. I got up early to watch the wedding, and really thought it was lovely--But I was ready for real-life to resume this morning, but it was still on all the morning news shows. Glad it was a beautiful day so I could get back to my regular scheduled weekend! I hope you're having an enjoyable one!

  10. I'm a sucker for a wedding, and that was some wedding!

  11. Just another wonderful and blessed day in your world. It is so much fun to read about your days.--Inger

  12. I just love seeing the pictures of your horses. I must say your garlic looks impressive and amazingly well-tended!


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