Wednesday, March 2, 2011


 Not too bad this morning.  Mildish in the low 30s.
 Went out a little earlier than usual.
 We had some looked like dry tapioca.

 Sidney did his usual thing in the hay.

 I was back in the house by 9 and got ready for chorus.
We had a pretty good rehearsal today.
 When we got home, there was nothing to eat in the frig, so I had a PB & J Sandwich, celery, an apple and a couple of pretzels.
Pretty exciting.
 As the temperature went down and the wind picked up...the sky was more and more beautiful.
Above, is a wire sculpture of a duck that I made as a sample for my students when I was teaching at the high school.  It sits on the woodstove in the living room...that afternoon light was hitting it big.
 Around three I drove down to Wegmans to get some supplies for bread making.  I am determined, after seeing what some of my blogging friends are doing (Like Annette from Aspen Meadows).
 It was by far, the most beautiful part of the day.
 The temperature dropped to the low 20s and the windchill had to be under 10 degrees.

 Went out to chores at 5:30.  It was still nice and light.
 The sun was streaming through the barn windows.

Barb had stopped by and picked the paddock for me...set up the grain too. So thoughtful.

Before I went in, had to take a few shots of an old western saddle for a friend who is looking for one to put in a still life.
It needed a good cleaning...has been sitting there for a very long time (covered).
 Took a few other pictures while I was at it.

 Then it was time to go in and make dinner.

 Dinner? This was it!  A huge salad....greens, pears, walnuts, craisins, chicken, carmelized onions and crumbly blue with a nice Italian dressing.  So good....I know, you already are familiar with this one.
Time to get in by the fire.
Night all.


  1. Love your duck,





    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral



  2. A beautiful day in your neck of the woods for sure! Love all the photos -- your dinner looks delish! :)

    Have a great evening.

  3. Good luck with your bread! I can't wait to read about it. Be careful though, a few successes and it becomes addictive. Watch an old video of Julia Child making bread - it will change how you think about kneading.

  4. Is it ever going to warm up there??? We've been in the 50s for a week. But winter's not over - March is our snowiest month.

  5. I love your photos every time. They have this "home" feeling about them. Simply beautiful.

  6. Lovely pics,I espescialy liked the old western saddle,saddlebags and the Bosal! You are so going to enjoy your Spring!!! Our mornings are getting cooler here...

  7. So many potential cards...just wonderful!

    I was enjoying PB&J, too.

    Love L'Orange about Abbe in the barn..

  8. Perfect salad to end the day! Now we know you were a school teacher...kinda all makes are doing a lovely job with your post teaching blogging skills. Actually, teaching never stops does it!

  9. Love the picture of Sidney snuggling in the hay. Cats know how to keep warm, for sure. Hope the bread turns out well.

  10. I hope you've had a good day!! Winter returned to Virginia today. I thought it was going to stay around for awhile...


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