Thursday, March 3, 2011


 Only 9 degrees, but a beautiful sunrise.

L'orange was hanging out in the living room...he's such a showboat.

 My hands were so cold I had to take a stall cleaning break and go in the house.

 Fortunately it warmed up to 20 by the time I was finished.

 The ponies left their hay to find some nibbles in the pasture.

 Hey Terry!  Is this a Colorado sky or what?

 Even tho there is no snow on the driveway, I drag my little sled back and forth with hot water and beet pulp.

 Didn't go anywhere today. 
 My dashiki is ready and waiting for tomorrow when 6 of us go to Jamestown for a drumming workshop with the drummer from Rusted Root.  Should be fun.

Made a turkey and swiss panini for lunch....ummmmmm.  Then I watched "The Good Wife" on my computer.  Missed it Tuesday night when I was playing bridge.
 Had my bread making debut.  Mel brought me a bread maker (to class this past Tuesday) that they are not using and I thought I would give it a shot.  Decided to try French bread first.

All the kitties thought it was too cold to be outside and found snuggy places to take naps.
 Phoebe just loves to sleep on her back.
 Gucci is always ready to move if I move....
 Went out to do evening chores a little before 6, and then came in for dinner.
 Gar put together this salad for me.
 Here's the French bread.  It was very crusty and delish.
 and then there was the pasta made with our garden sauce.
 We started watching the movie "Amelia" with dinner, but I was not impressed.
Now that I am finished, it's time to go back to the fire.
Night all.


  1. Oh my!

    Drum ON!

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral



  2. Your dinner (and bread!) looks delish! I made pizza for lunch and nibbled on more of that for dinner. Brett's at a mounted posse meeting tonight so I'm not cooking. I had a bread machine when the kids were small. It's how I got hooked! could happen to you! And I love the buckets on hooks. Good idea-

  3. Any leftovers? I'll be right over!
    L'Orange looks very cuddle-y in the header.
    I have a boot warmer I use for gloves on those bitter days - halfway through chores I switch to warm dry gloves.

  4. 9 is pretty darn cold--hope it warms up for you soon. Lovely sunrise--nice way to start the day. Mickie =)

  5. Its amazing when someone who knows what they are doing can produce masterpieces...Your food is amazing. Im in awe. and hungry...

    :D !

    (back to my breadmaker..sigh. We are at least talking now...)

  6. L'Orange looks like a younger version of My cat Morris. Lol
    I love your pics of your farm. Thanks for sharing,Cheri

  7. Lori -- doesn't everything seem much better when the sun is shining? Wow -- cold where you are! Hang in there -- it will warm up soon. :)

  8. Hi Lori,
    I have a question after seeing the buckets near your water spigot. Do you have water overnight in the stalls for the horses? If so, is the water heated?

    As you know my herd has nice roomy stalls with 40-100 foot runs off each stall (excpet for the 2 pasture ponies). Because they have access to their runs 24/7 I just keep a 70 gallon heated rubbermaid waterer in each run. But sometimes I have to close the horses into their stalls on extremely windy nights and I have 5 gallon heated water buckets in each stall. I can't even use insulated buckets b/c they freeze almost solid ovenight.

    I'd love to hear what your set up is like!

    What I would give for automatic heated waterers with meters :)

    Sue and the Crew


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