Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I've been waiting for this!  

More later.......

Just so ya know...the sky stayed like that all day.

Sunshine changes your brain, doesn't it?

The usual drill.
This morning I put the hay in a pasture for a change.

 Some grass was in sight....so was my yucca plant.

Even the sculpture at the end of the driveway appeared.

Went to the bank, had lunch and then it was time for class.
You have to know the routine by now...
Tina made great progress with her papier mache flower.
Her solution for the center was ingenious!
Mel continued to work on his bird (colored pencil).
Tina found a frame for her pastel drawing...she just has a little to go on it, and the frame color is perfect!
Many of you already know her horse Mr. Sandman.
She also brought along this photograph that was sent to her by Sandy.  Is this cute or what?
L'orange Marmalade could not be bothered by any of us.

Barb has chore duty tonight and I have bridge, so I am going to cut this short.
Night all.


  1. Wow! Spectacular shots!! (And more for cards. . .)

  2. A beautiful way to start the day!

  3. Good morning! Glad to see the sun is shining. It's 36 degrees in my world.

  4. I can see why...aaahhh sunrise!
    PS..we live 5 minutes from that boardwalk..you asked.

  5. With a glorious morning like that, I'm sure the rest of your day was just wonderful. And it looks like it too.--Inger

  6. Wonderful series of sunrise shots!

  7. I love that picture of the foal on his mama's neck. How cute is that.

  8. Yes, sunshine does change your brain! & as I write this I see more blue skies out my window, hope you do too!
    Your sunrise shots are amazing.
    I've just spent some time catching up here & I noticed you just celebrated 3 years of writing your blog. I didn't realize we started around the same time - I will hit 3 years this month.
    Congratulations Lori!

  9. MAGIC golden Morning...SUBLIME, Lori!!!

    Oh, I certainly think your students are having some great talent....fabulous works!!!!

    i am glad for you your snowmountains are melting away....; I guess your horses think the same!!

    ciao ciao elvira

  10. What a beautiful sunrise, Lori! And I agree...sunshine changes the brain for the better!

    Adorable picture of that mama and foal!

    Hope you had a nice night!

  11. Thank you for letting me be a part of your day. It is always interesting. I loved the shots of the horses framed in the barn door. The sun rising is great, too. Sun and upstate NY don't always go together!


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