Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Very mild this morning.  I thought we were going to have more rain, but we lucked out.

The temperature was nearly 60 degrees.
Once again, I set up the hay under the shed roof...just in case.

The horses had no interest in the pasture.

Gary brought in the hay cubes I bought yesterday...Pony should be set for a long time.

Look at that lovely paddock....

By the time I finished the stalls, the sky was bright.

Masterpiece was dry, but he still had the gel look from yesterday.


By late morning the sky was gorgeous....and still no rain.

I decided to drive down to Apple Creek Farm so I could pick a big batch of apples for the horses.

Some from the ground...some from the trees....(before they get mushy).

There were still some on most of the trees...the good ones were already picked.

Kitty had just returned from a walk with Jack.

Before class started at 2, Phoebe and Gucci were looking for treats from Sandy.


Mel has always been quite a producer.... Today he continued to work on his fox.

Donna worked on her bird in colored pencil.  She is going to have some note cards made.

Jean worked on her blanket and Tina finished up her drawing of DJ and Tootsie Louise.  She will transfer it and may do a painting.   Sandy started a new drawing, but the photograph did not turn out.

Barb had chore duty tonight...Gary, Jen and I were invited to Apple Creek Farm for dinner.
We met at 6:30.  Louise made a comfort food kinda meal.

As usual, there were flowers and fresh vegetables on the counter.

We had ham/cheese/tomato paninis....

Cauliflower soup....with fresh grated cheese



And dessert...apple cake with a scoop of organic vanilla ice cream.  Delish.  Great company and good conversation was a bonus.

Now it's time to see who is going to win the big dance contest.  Off to sit in front of the fire.
Night all.

PS - Sidney is doing very well...the temperature dropped about 30 degrees....blankets back on the horses.


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