Monday, November 22, 2010


This morning there was a moment of sunshine, but it disappeared quickly.

Gary took Sidney down to the Brockport Animal Hospital for neutering....I fed the dogs and other cats and went out to the barn.  It was very mild and on it's way to 60 degrees.

Of course it started to rain within an hour of when I took off the sheets and put the horses out.  I ended up putting hay in all the nets so they would stay under the shed roof.

I also put one bag in the run-in, trying to make more room outside.

Pony eats hay cubes and since they weren't going out on the pasture, I put her in the other run-in so she could eat them in peace.  Of course Abbe wanted her to share..she wants to clean up after every horse.

With no Sidney around, Seymour decided to join me when I was in the barn.

The temperature did go up, but the greyness and rain stuck with us most of the day.

"Where's Sid?"

Before lunch I decided to fit in a bike ride.  Within the first 15 minutes it started to rain.  Good thing I had on a raincoat.

I was told to check on Sid at 2pm and did...they said he was awake and could come home (Seymour had to wait until 5pm).  First, I stopped at Tractor Supply to pick up some hay cubes...this is what it looked like.

The animal hospital was right across the I went over there to pick up Sid.

This cat, Ike, is 18 1/2 years old and has lived there since he was a kitten (found in a field).

Got home and cracked some walnuts for a pear salad.

Jenny was making dinner for all of us....our Monday get together.

I did the chores and made the salad...familiar?  I had to use up the last of my pears (mixed greens, dried cranberries, onion, walnuts and crumbly blue).

We got down there at 6 and dinner was ready.

Three homemade pizzas from scratch.

Finn and Coop were making faces at me....

Then Grampa got in the act...

Remember when you were a kid and made these turkeys in school?

After dinner Finn did his homework.  He was very focused and is a great student.

Got home a few minutes before 8, ready to watch some dancing.

Little Kitty was happy to see us.

Dancing is's almost 10:30, and I am heading for the fire.
Night all.


  1. Poor Sid - got "tutored"!

  2. Sid will feel better soon. And, those pictures of pizza made me very hungry. I know I'm posting this in the morning, but, to me, any time is a good time for pizza.

  3. Hi Lori, I just popped in to say "hi!" Awhh, I hope Sidney is doing OK? Wow, your dinner looks delicious...I love pear salad!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Like your new heading. Poor Sid, I was going to say got tutored but Kate beat me to it. That was a funny Larson cartoon. The salad looks delicious, I'll have to try that sometime. It's warm but overcast here too. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  5. The pizza looks so good. We have had some mild temps the past two days, but in for a cold snap this weekend.


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