Monday, January 18, 2010


And I thought yesterday was grey! Mucky, yucky, yicky!

Still around the mid 30s.

It took me a little longer to do chores today as I installed a corner feeder in Masterpiece's stall.
I had one of those heavy rubber ones (that hangs over a board) in there, but every morning he had it pulled off so I couldn't just dump his grain in. Hopefully that's that.

When I look at Kate's blog, her horses always look so nice and clean in their blankets.

I have a rolling herd that loves to look piggy.

I take the caked mud off them and they roll in more.

It did rain a little last night, and if the snow was not piled up, it disappeared.

The Weatherman said we are going to have another week of 30 or above. I'll take it.

I loved not having the heater going in the water trough. Our electric bill skyrockets when we have it on 8 or 9 hours a day.

Does this look like January in New York?

These two sculptures are at the end of our driveway. One is still in a pile of snow and the other one totally surfaced.

The kid's snow man is going to disappear.

I don't know how these dried flowers manage to survive all the weather changes.

Went down to Tractor Supply and picked up some buckets that were on sale. I mix the horse's grain in them before I put it in the feeders. Even got one for the beet pulp...pretty flashy. There are two more out in the feed room for Winnie and Dream.

The pups spent the afternoon lounging.

As Darrin and Justine had no work or school, they came up to ride Winnie. Darrin actually ended up riding. Winnie is lookin good.

Mom! I am full of need to come an brush me...bring carrots!

Phoebe and Gucci managed to drag their butts out to the barn with me for evening chores. I can't believe how filthy they get!

And tonight's dinner....

A salad with pears and crumbly blue...


Boneless pork chops covered with honey mustard (and an Italian dressing/soy sauce marinade), baked with caramelized onions and carrots.

Yum. Time for a hot tea. Night all.


  1. Just wait until we have some mud - you'll see plenty of muddy blankets then!

  2. You got my attention with dinner... looks wonderful.

    You'll see some mud around here in April. Nothing like heavy clay breaking the frost!

  3. Those sculptures at the drive are really neat. Did a friend/artist hand carve them?

    Dinner looks DELICIOUS!! The salad is perfect.

    Those filthy pups are sure loving January in NY. Dr. Porter got beach sand and lots of stickers this weekend trying to dodge the water. He's a dirt-dog and is in need of a scrub. (Where are their super colorful plastic feed buckets for the pups, mom??)

  4. Another wonderful looking supper. I haven't received my latest electric bill and I'm a nervous wreck thinking about it. My tank heaters are on pretty much 24/7. I got to unplug the heater a couple days this week.

    My gas bill doubled, even though my heat is set so low I feel like I'm freezing to death all the time. I think I had a gas leak out to the grill and finally found the valve in the house to fix that so hopefully it will be better this month.


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