Monday, January 18, 2010


You are all in for a treat when you visit Elvira's site. It is called Magical Places On Tuscany's Coast. Her photographs and text are off the charts!

"Three Andalusian Stallions" Lori Skoog

You can pay her a visit at:
or click on the link I just added to my favorite blog list.

Buon giorno Elvira! Mi chiamo Laura (and I took some lessons in Italian because I love the language). Sono americano e non capisco tutto!

1 comment:

  1. ohhhh....Sooo lovely..!!
    Your warm welcome for me on your fabulous blog; I appreciate it so very much...!!I do love it and feel right at home...thank you so much, cara Laura.....!!
    Il tuo Italiano รจ perfetto; che piacere.. e tantissimi auguri ed a prestissimo!!!!!
    Un abbraccione elvira

    ....I would never forget: the painting of the Andalusians is breathtaking beautiful; they seem can feel their liveliness..!!!!! Gorgeous!!


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