Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I think I need some sunshine. Another blah morning...mild, very grey....ugly.

We still have another week of temperatures over 30 on the way, with just a slight chance of snow tonight...the rest, snow free. Sunshine on Thursday????

PC, Winnie and Dream left the hay to go out to the back pasture...

The others stayed in the paddock.

When I finished chores, the dogs came outside for a romp.

I'll bet there was a bunny around the indoor earlier.

They know that something was there.

The snowman is disappearing. His eyes and mouth fell off.

I stayed up too late last night and almost fell asleep in front of the fire before my class arrived.

Today there were three men and three women. Usually most of my students have been women...this is a very nice change.

Deb has been steadily working on her book (family history). I read the first chapter and it is sensational!

Mel was back today, and finished another painting of polar bears.

Colm was here for the second time today. He borrowed a photo from Tina (that she grabbed from a link on my Journal) and did a drawing of "Strawberry." He is such a natural. Mike, this is your grandaughter! Can you tell?

Can't wait to see the finished product.

John continued to work on his watercolor.

Sandy finished her black and white watercolor of Abbe (my pony).

And Tina is finishing up a painting of DJ in the garden...

I tried to take a nap after class and then went out to do chores.
It is staying light so much later.

Below is Dream in her suite.

Pony goes for her hay cubes as soon as she gets in the barn.

Darrin....now it's your turn! Winnie is a muddy mess. She and Dream are in a contest.

Dinner was a no brainer. A traditional salad with some garbanzo beans....

I thawed out some of our homemade sauce and a container of meatballs that were made awhile ago....

Served with toasted Italian bread.... As you can see, we eat a LOT of salad everyday.

I'm sitting here listening to all the commentary about the special election in Massachusetts. In a few minutes we will know who won the race. Heading for the fire. Night all.


  1. We had sun today - maybe you'll get our weather soon!

  2. Glad Dream and friends went out to the pasture together. Like her suite too.

    We've got gray days and rain/snow/sleet to deal with too. At least you have a nice group of people to have over and the paintings are very good.

    Spring will be here before we know it, hang in there.

  3. I am going to declare your "winter" a non-winter. Seeing green grass is not an option. And warm temperatures? While I think the muck you deal with every other day is far worse than my endless cold temperatures, it still can't really be called "winter", can it?

  4. Hi, Lori. Tell Colm it's a good likeness. At least one facet of her character is showing through (her rather wackey sense of humour). It's an odd thing, but I can also see her mother (when she was the same age) looking out at me. Well done, Colm.
    Regards, Mike.

  5. ...Certainly....the sun makes everything more brilliant and warm...but your DAY TODAY was so brilliant(!!) even without one sunray.....: looking at your magnificient horses; the funny and sympatic little doggies...observing your talented students on their beautiful drawings and paintings...
    and at the end a delicious dinner with SO MUCH ITALIAN TOUCH...mmmhhh!!!!
    I see; you love "ceci"; (your garbanzo beans)....a tuscan speciality!
    have a wonderful week, cara Lory!
    ciao ciao elvira

  6. OK - dumb question time. How does the grass stay green after snow and throughout winter? Our grass is dead white - and we only get 3-4 freezing nites a year!

  7. Ha! You're looking forward to Thursday for sunshine and I'm looking forward to Thursday for cold weather and rain. :)

  8. Hi Lori
    I hope you get some beautiful sun shine too..Its beautiful here with the sun shining.. it's still cold.. Hope Spring will be here soon...

  9. P.s. Ann's just been looking at Strawberry's portrait, and I've been looking at Ann and realised that Strawberry also looks very like her Granny did at that age (fortunate child !).
    Warm regards, Mike and Ann.


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