Thursday, February 6, 2025


A weird weather day.  Snow, ice, freezing rain, 36 degrees....slippery and the wind is ripping around  right now, heading up to 50 mph.

After morning chores I decided to make a call to one of my blogging friends who lives in Minnesota.  We originally connected because of our horses....many years ago.  She took a long break from blogging and I'm happy to say she is back at it.  Sandra, another blogging friend (Val), and I have been in an ongoing conversation for years, communicating through our posts.  We all have many things in common and I love our online discussions.  Currently the political scene has been a major topic. sure was fun to have a conversation in person.  More to come.
At 1 I was at the library playing bridge and for the second week in a row, came in 1st.
Home around four and out for chores a little early.  By then the wind was crazy.

Once again I am in need of some sunshine.

Made a salad and warmed up the leftover pasta for dinner.  Yum.

Night all.



  1. Everything looks so cozy and your food looks excellent.

  2. I was so happy to talk to you, Lori! You made my day. We had the same wind, it was COLD! You cannot go wrong with pasta and a salad.


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