Wednesday, February 5, 2025

And Here We Are

Ain't life grand?  Do you wonder what it will be like in a few weeks?  Make sure you call or email Washington.

A high of 24 today....lots of fluffy snowflakes.

At noon Gary drove me to Rochester as I had an appointment with the dermatologist to have a procedure done on my arm.  The older I get, the more $hit happens.  It went well, I just hate waiting for lab results.  On the way home I picked up a nice heating pad for our friend Joan.... we dropped it off and had some time to chat for awhile.  She was doing very well and is being taken good care of by her friends and neighbors.  Home in time to make a quick batch of sauce....sat down by the fire for a few minutes and then went out for chores.  No color in the skies again.

A simple but delicious dinner.

Night all.



  1. I love animal photos...Attempted some calls, did not get through. Nice of you to think of your friend and that simple dinner looks great! I hope the arm heals quickly.

  2. I emailed but both are dems. I hope your lab report comes back a-okay.


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