Monday, December 16, 2024

Dear John...

Yahooooo!  We hit the mid 40s today!  However, the wind was blowing like crazy by tonight.

After chores I cut some pine branches off one of our trees to bring a little Holliday cheer into the house.

This is the wreath Gary picked up a couple days ago.  We always put it on a sculpture that is near our kitchen door.  We have Twinkie lights in our house year round as I love the atmosphere that is created, but we have not had a tree for decades.  Instead, we have decorated bare tree branches or created big mobiles full of hanging ornaments.

This has been hanging in our kitchen for also has Twinkie lights.

At noon, Spa Day Alice picked me up and we went down to Barber's for lunch.  The place was empty except for the people working and this one man sitting at the bar.  We planned this last week as we wanted to do another pay it forward mission and pick up the tab for someone's lunch.  Totally ironic!  When we walked through the door I could not believe the person sitting at the bar.  Many months ago when we were there we were going up to pay our bill and he said "I've got it!"  We had never met him before and were shocked.  We thanked him and bought him a beer.  Many weeks later we went to Rorbachs with the intention of treating someone to lunch.  We looked around and decided to pick up the tab for an elderly couple sitting a few booths down from us.  Then we talked to our server and told her what we were doing.  She ended up telling them that we were the gift givers and they came back to thank us.  We had a great talk and it felt so good!  This time, we decided to go back to Barber's to pay it forward again and could not believe that John was sitting there.  We had a great talk and offered to buy him lunch, but he declined.  He has been generous with so many people!!!  Such a great vibe between the three of us.  

So we had lunch.  I had a great salad and Alice had
half of a Balboa with some tater tots.
Before we left, this sweet bar tender helped us set up a gift/tab for John.
Another feel good day.  Fate brought us back to him.  Have you ever done this?  We will continue to do it as it is so appreciated.
Took a nap by the fire and then did chores.
Dinner was delicious,  Chicken with carrots and caramelized onion, mashed potatoes, fruit salad and I finished off the cranberry orange relish.

Night all.



  1. Your home is looking so Christmassy, a wreathe at the doorway is a wonderful welcome.

  2. Lori you are an Angel doing such generous kind deeds. It has so warmed my heart to read this blog post tonight. Kathy

  3. I love the fire place mantel and your hanging ornaments, they are so beautiful!

  4. You are ever an artist. Your home looks inviting. This is a wonderful act of kindness and humanity. I don't eat out, but if I did I believe I would do this.


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