Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Finn's Birthday Dinner

Downright chilly today, but I loved it.

Rebel was still gimpy and I called the vet to get an appointment.  It will not happen until September 3rd when they have an opening.

The painters were here today and they are on the home stretch.
Gary had yoga and lunch with his pals....Steph had lunch with two of her pals.....and I babysat Bandit and Little Wonder.

At 6 we went down to Jenny's for Finn's birthday dinner.  I finally had a chance to see the freshly painted living room and dining room.  So much lighter!
Almost all set up.

Dinner was fabulous.  We had so many laughs!

Tucked the horses in at 8:15.  Tomorrow I will rewrap Rebel's front feet.

I reorganized the feed room and the small hay stall as 50 more bales of hay will be delivered tomorrow.  Finn and Coop are going to help.  They are so sweet to come through for me.
That's it.  Now it's time to watch the convention.  Last night there were some pretty fine speeches (AOC, Hillary, Raskin and more) and I look forward to hearing more tonight.  Such enthusiasm!  A friend of ours is there and she said it was surreal.  Onward! "A people powered campaign."  What a difference in candidates.
Night all.



  1. The change in the dynamics is wonderful!
    Finn is grown up. Those two young men love their grandma and grandpa, I couldn't imagine them not helping the two of you out.

  2. Our previous Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is right behind Kamala, as are so many others who have held top positions. Let her succeed. Happy Birthday Finn, what a great family gathering. That hibiscus, stunning.

  3. On You Tube, there are wonderful programs from the wonderful Congressman Jamie Raskin on Brian Taylor Cohen's (sp?) channel called "CLASS with Jamie Raskin" and his subjects vary but are brilliant.
    Happy Birthday to Finn and I hope Rebel's hoof problems are soon gone.



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