Sunday, July 21, 2024

Not Again! Rebel's Lame (and Biden Stepped Out!)

Hotter than the last couple of days, but not too bad.

Of course Rebel was very gimpy this morning.  Same foot. 

After chores I turned him out to see how bad he was and immediately went in to the grooming room to start getting things ready for a soak and a boot.  Both horses walked in as they thought it was a Spa Day.

I love these soaking boots.

Fortunately Rebel was very cooperative.
Of course you know that I was glued to the TV when I found out Biden stepped aside.  I believe he did the right thing.  Not easy, but the right thing.  Hopefully this is making Mr. T nervous.  A prosecutor and a criminal who has gotten away with one thing after another.  An unbelievable amount of money was raised in 5 hours by the Dems....almost 28 million.  That's a statement and it's just the beginning.  Time for people to make sure T. does not have the opportunity to change our country as we know it.  It has been my observation that some educated people that I know do not have a clue as to what T and JD have in mind for ALL of us.  How can you support someone who lies constantly and not be informed about the real skinny?
I needed to pick some of our lettuce and made a salad tonight....even tho it did not exactly go with the leftovers from last night.  Oh well.  It tasted good.
Rebel was still gimpy tonight.  Tomorrow Alice is coming for a Spa Day and that should give him some comfort.

Little Wonder did not want to go out for evening chores.  He preferred hanging out with Gary in front of a fan.
Night all.


  1. I'm with her too!
    After all, what's the choice? OLD sexual predator - felon against a vibrant young smart woman.

    I hope Rebel feels better . I went 6 months with on and off lameness in a mule. We finally found an abscess in an unusual area.

  2. Even down here " I'm with her too" !!! How can an old man, T, compete against a smart beautiful talented younger lady who will now have SO much support. Rebel, did you try and kick T with that foot ? Good try even if you are too far away. Keep hoping Lori, that amount of campaign finance is a surprisingly wonderful start.Just shows where some people's allegiance lies. Rebel, heal well.

  3. I was surprised and relieved when I saw the news. Now if the democrats can stay on message and let this be a smooth transition, Manchin is already making waves, this will be a big chance to get T out once and for all. We had a neighbor, a Ph.D in chemical engineering, who is a staunch right winger and a T supporter. It's not about how smart, there's more to it than that. Rebel has himself a chronic problem, which means you do too.

  4. We're with HER, too, and wish Bernie Sanders would be her VP as he's old, but brilliant and has his head on straight.

    Wishing Rebel well and hope if there's an abscess or other injury, it's found promptly so it can be properly cared for. It's no fun to have a hurt foot no matter what species you are.



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