Tuesday, July 9, 2024

New York State Had Outrageous Temperatures Today

Fortunately, it was not as hot here (high 80s and very muggy) as it was south and east of us.  Some over 100.  It's the kind of weather that keeps me inside.

Obviously Rebel and Buddy did not appreciate the bugs and gnats as there was a lot of manure in the run-in.

While I cleaned the stalls, Little Wonder stayed cool on the cement aisle.  He looked like a seal.

Gary went to yoga and out to lunch with the geezers.
I managed to do laundry and changed sheets.  Even took a walk out to the mailbox.

How these flowers survive without rain and the heat is beyond me.  It may rain tonight and tomorrow we could get up to 2 inches.  We have a gig and I will be gone from 3:30-8:30....Gary will be home and Jenny will feed the horses.  Little Wonder will appreciate having company.

A guy about our age drove in the driveway on one of the coolest 3 wheel bikes I have ever seen.  He wanted some rhubarb.

We managed to stay cool this afternoon and went out for a sandwich at the Churchville Grill.  I need a break from this heat!!!

Chores at 8:15.  The barn was still pretty warm, but should cool down a bit.

Night all.


1 comment:

  1. We've been about the same as you temp and humidity wise. I cannot tolerate it, I melt. I bet LW appreciates his hair cut right about now. This has turned into the summer that wasn't for me.


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