Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Tiptoe Through The Tulips

We had terrific weather today.  In the 60s.  However, we did start out with some fog.

The gardens have been the best ever for this time of the year...
and the garlic is already about 3 feet high.  There will be an early harvest....late June.
I ran some errands mid morning and after lunch, mowed the lawn and around the pastures.

The grass is short and full of dandelions, but Buddy and Rebel are very happy. They have the run of every run in, the indoor, the outdoor and all the pastures.

Gary did a lot of work in the gardens by the Studio.

It's going to look like a big blue carpet when all those forget-me-nots start blooming.

We have so many gardens, it takes a long time to get them all in good shape.  Just getting started.

We have three flowering trees and two of them popped out blossoms today.

Took a short break before chores...I had made vegetarian chili earlier.

The lawn is in good tomorrow morning it will be yellow with dandelions.

Tucked the boys in at 7:15.

Dinner was delicious.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. Your flower beds amaze me. Most of mine have filled in with grass. The remaining need serious help. I sure like the windmill. Dinner looks delicious.


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